Stutter ➴ Bill Denbrough

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

It was my first day of new school. No one knew me, and I didn't know them.

As I walked into the front door I felt some glances turn my way. Still I kept walking and tried to avoid the growing stares.

First, I went to my locker and put in my combination. 34 - 32 - 34. Easy enough. My locker popped open and I put my things away. As I was doing this I heard some loud voices coming from the right of me.

"And she gave me a detention. Like...what the fuck!" Quickly I took out my binder that was in my backpack and closed my locker. Sadly for me, I wasn't quick enough.

"Hey there!" a sqeaky high pitch voice said. I slowly turned around and looked to see who said it.

It was a short boy. He had brown hair and brown eyes. With a fanny pack on.

Next to him was three other boys. One of them had glasses on, other one with a kippah, and one was tall and slim.

"...hi..." I said softly. They all waved at me.

The boy with glasses came towards me and got in my face. "You don't talk much, do you?" he said.

I backed away from him and smirked. "No, b-but y-y-you seem to." I muttered a curse word under my breath for stuttering in front of them. "Shit..."

Glasses laughed at me and nudged on of his friends. "Hey, Big Bill. Looks like you got yourself a stuttering friend."

"Shut up, Richie." they all said. So the talkitive one was Richie. And the tall slim one was Bill. I was too shy to ask what the others names were.

"Yeah Richie, sh-sh-shut up." Bill stuttered. That caught my attention as quickly as a pitcher would catch a ball.

"Wait so...y-y-you stutter too?"

"Y-Yeah, I hate it."

"S-So do I! My m-mom thinks it's c-c-cute."

"So does m-m-mine!" Bill and I were both laughing and looking at each other.

"Oh, th-those are my friends. S-Stan, Richie, a-and Eddie." he said pointing to each one.

The bell rang telling us we had five minutes until class started. I closed my locker and walked with them and read my schedule.
"A-A-Any of you guys h-have Science?"

Richie shook his head at me and pulled out his schedule. "I don't, but I'm pretty sure we have third period to-

"Hey freak, watch where you're going!" an older guy yelled. He pushed Richie's face into someones locker.

Richie's glassed fell to the ground, along with him and his dignity. The guy had his friends with him, and they all laughed.

"L-L-Leave us a-alone!" I yelled. The guys and his friends turn and looked over at me.

"And what are you gonns do about it. Cry?"

"No! C-Cause i'm not a p-p....p-pussy!" I yelled. The guy smirked and looked over at his friends, then back at me.

"Aww, you stutter just like ol Billy Boy. Maybe you guys should get married and have little stuttering children."

"Stuttering isn't genetic, a-asshole." I muttered. The guy shoved me into a locker and pinned me there.

"You think this is funny? You think you can stand up to me? Well you can't. This isn't some movie where the losers win and we don't. So stop trying, pussy."


I held my cheek and looked at the guy who hit me. What the hell is his problem! I narrowed my eyebrows at him and formed my lips together.


I pushed him off of me and slapped him into the face. "D-Don't mess with me! You don't know what I'm capable of!"

After that I realized that I bsrely stuttered. all.

"Damn, girl. You totally kick ass!" Richie said.

"Yeah! That was freaking awesome!" Eddie aggreed. I looked over at Bill and saw him blushing. "Yeah, wh-what he said." Bill mumbled.

I smiled at them and started ti walk. "Come on, losers. Let's go to class."

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