My Noodle ➴ Wyatt Oleff ➴ Part Four

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a/n: oof, well you guys wanted this chapter.

here you go

im gonna say sorry in advance

Wyatt and I have broken up.

I never expected this to happen. We've always been the couple that everyone would aw at or say we were goals.

I thought it would be like a disney movie. The guy likes the girl. And he does all these things for her.

Just to get noticed. Just to get a hello. Just to get her to like him.

And then she does notice him. They become friends and before they know it, they're in love.

They start dating and everything is great. Until the boy stops talking to the girl for three weeks. And she becomes depressed and lonely without his comfort. And then one day they have a big fucking fight and they break up!

And then the girl starts crying when she gets home because she messed up. She knows shes the one who fucking started it all!

Never heard of thst Disney movie have you. That's because it's not real. And I guess their love wasn't either.

You see, every Disney movie has a happy ending. And growing up you think all relationships have a happy ending.

They man and the woman get married. Have two kids. The kids grow up and have their own children. And the man and woman are grandparents now.

Still, what does every Disney movie have in common.

They all live




And then you realize. That your life was a lie. And you aren't happy anymore.

I guess that's true...i'm not happy anymore.

Yet one day...I will be happy....just not right now...not with Wyatt...

I feel like shit. I feel like shit without (Y/N).

She was there to help me with my problems. She was there for me when I was down. Always made me feel better.

Whether she showed me funny videos or watched 80s movies with me. Having her comfort was making me happy already.

God, I miss that. I know it's only been one day since the break up but god dammit I miss her.

I miss her laugh, her smile, her eyes. I miss looking at her beauty. I miss her smell. And I know thay might sound weird to you but there wasn't one bad thing about that girl. She was perfect.

No, she still is perfect.

Man, I just wish I was happy.

Yet one day...I will be happy...

Just not right now.

Not with Wyatt.

Not with (Y/N).

...but I miss them already...

A/N: im leaving it like this please don't hate me-

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