Chapter 8

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Star flew to his secret spot in the mountain, and conjured up a scroll. He sat down, his tail settled around himself. He yawned, not picking up the tap tap of invisible talons on the stone.
The next thing Star felt was sharp bolts of pain through his back, and wet. His back was wet. Star spun around, there was a certain RainWing holding up a bloodied dagger, his scales red, but not from the blood.
Gold was angry.
The dragon lunged at Star again, this time stabbing him in his wing webbing. Star shrieked in pain, blood dripped onto the stone and his scroll.
Another stab came.
This one was straight to Star's neck. The NightWing screamed in pain as bright red blood sprayed out of the wound.
Gold curled his lips back in a snarl, going to stab again. The RainWing paused when there was a cry of, "Gold! Stop!"
Gold turned around, his scales turning orange with surprise.
Moon was standing there, and her eyes were round with horror. She shrieked as Star collapsed to the floor, blood flowing heavily.
Gold looked at Star. His face was expressionless, but his scales shifted to blue as he gasped.
"Oh my moons! Star!" Gold shrieked, "I'm so sorry!"
Star wasn't in any condition to answer. Starseeker landed by him, her eyes wide.
"Mother! Heal him! Help him!" Moon shrieked at her mom.
Starseeker nodded fearfully, mumbling something. Star sat up.
"You- you're an ANIMUS?!" Gold demanded. He seemed to have gotten over his shock.
Starseeker gulped, her tail swishing.
Moon shook her head. "It doesn't matter. What matters is that you TRIED TO KILL STAR," The female NightWing shrieked. Gold gulped this time.
"Explain yourself!"
The RainWing shuffled on his talons.
"I... I got jealous.. and.. I thought you loved him more than me..." Gold stated in a feeble voice, pale blue shifting over the darker blue scales.
Moon groaned. "Oh, you're acting like a dragonet! Both of you!"
Star looked up from studying his unblemished scales.
"What did I do?!"
"You guys get jealous and do something to hurt the other!" Mother Moon shrieked, her wings flaring. Star looked aghast.
"I haven't hurt him once! He STABBED ME, Moon!" He protested. Moon scowled, her pretty features making her look scary.
Star gulped.
Starseeker was watching; she had obviously figured out what Star and Gold felt for her daughter. Moon walked over and hugged Starseeker viciously, but accidentally sliced off her necklace in the process.
"Oh- sorry, mo-" Moon began, but she trailed off when Starseeker started to move. It looked like her scales were sliding off, to be replaced by new ones. Her glossy skin became rough and ragged.
When the transformation was complete, a large male with a twisted and angry face was standing there, his tail lashing.

Darkstalker's Kin- (BOOK ONE) Wings of Fire FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now