chapter four

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I was walking to class when I saw a unfamiliar face by my seat. I always set alone so when there was some one I didn't know sitting there being all innocent I couldn't help but smile.

"I'm Jungkook" I told him putting my hand out for him to shake, he looked up at me with a black eye and a bloody lip. "What the hell happened to you?" I asked

" There was a group of boys" he told me in a shaky voice like he was scared I could definitely tell he was new. Then all of a sudden I got defensive asking a bunch of question like; Who? What was their names? When did this happen? Are you ok? How many were there? Then I was suddenly stopped by Kyle bursting through the door.

Kyle wasnt a good friend of mine, but ever since him and Yoongi, my best friend, started dating, I have to be nice. I swear Yoongi could find better, he's a bully and I don't like him. When we walked in the boy next to me flinched.

"Hey Kyle over here" I yelled and the kid looked at me with scared eyes " it's okay I'm here to protect you" I whispered while he nodded.

"Oh there's that kid" Kyle told his friends while laughing " Taehyung, isn't that your name" he said making a pouty face. The boy grabbed my hand under the desk and I grabbed his back letting him know I'm here.

"Y-y-yeah" he studdered

They laughed and mocked him
"Y-y-yeah" he mocked

That's when I stood up and told him to stop.

"Oh or what?" He said

"Or I'm going to make you" I replied
We were auguring as the teacher walked in and yelled "detention"
We both shut up and sat down.


As I walked down the hall I saw Yoongi. I was sad, he had hurt me by saying those things to Kyle. Then I bumped in to a kid.

"I'm so sorry" I said standing up

"Me too" said the boy
"I'm Taehyung but you can call me V if you want"

"Hello V I'm Jimin and I guess this makes up friends now"

"Yeah I guess so" he said smiling the cutest little box smile. Then Jungkook, Yoongi's friend walked by and looked at him. He got quite and blushed because of the smile on Jungkook's face.

After awhile we started walking to class and we had the same classes except for our first class.

Then my phone went off it was a text from Yoongi

Yoongi- hey are you ok?

Jimin- yep fine

Yoongi- are you sure you seem mad?

Jimin- no I'm ok

Yoongi- ok do you wanna come over for the project?

Jimin- no I'm busy

Yoongi- oh ok maybe next time

Jimin- maybe


"Ugh" I said plopping down on the couch beside my aunt.

"Something wrong?" she asked "boy trouble?". Every one in my family knows I'm gay. I came out to my dad maybe five years ago when I first saw Gabe my first boy crush.

"Yeah" I said emotionless

"Tell your Aunt Jackie your troubles" she said " I can help I like boys remember" I laughed as she said that

"There's this boy at my school and let's say his name is Jack, now Jackie lets remember this is not me " I said before I went farther " and he like this boy yoon- Jake, and yesterday I overheard Jake tell his stupid boyfriend Kyle that I'm not worth it and that Yoongi will never like me" I said giving away my problem


I was woke up this morning by someone knocking on my door.

"Jimin, someone's here to see you" my aunt told me.

I got up and walked to the living room, excited to see who was here for me.

"Hi, Yoongi " I said confused and sad but still a little happy.

"Hey can we talk?" He asked. I nodded and took him to my room and he set on my bed.

"So..."I said after a couple of minutes, breaking the silence

"About yesterday, I said what I had to, to keep you from getting hurt" he said looking at the ground

"By saying those you hurt me" I told him

"I didn't mean to, I'm so sorry Jimin" he said still looking at the ground.

I lifted up his head and told him I understand he was trying to protect me and I appreciated it.

"Jimin, me and your brother are going out for a few days for your brother's school trip" my aunt said bursting in to my room causing me and Yoongi to stand up.

"ok how long will you be gone" I asked

"Just three or four days" she told me then we said your goodbyes and they left.


Later that night there was someone outside my house. I panicked and I called Yoongi. When he got here I dragged him in to my house and locked the door.

"You going to tell me what I'm doing here?" he asked

"There was a random person outside of my house walking around and I got scared. Sorry"

"It's ok, did you see who it was " he asked

"No, but will you stay?" I asked

"Of course"


//Third Person POV //

They set together, on the couch, watching movies and eating popcorn. After a while it was getting late. The boys went to Jimin's room to talk so they don't fall asleep on the couch, if they happen to fall asleep.


Me and Yoongi talked in my room until I yawned.

"You tired" Yoongi asked and I nodded. "Ok" he said. I covered up and got comfortable. Yoongi said 'goodnight' and was about to walk away when I grabbed his wrist.

"C-can you stay with me tonight?" I asked

"Ok Jimin I'll stay" he said and I scooted over so he can lay next to me.

"Goodnight Yoongi" I said half asleep

"Goodnight sunshine" he said then we fell asleep


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