chapter seven

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I saw Jimin at his locker and I was going to ask him to come to the party tonight then I thought about what his mother might say.

"Jimin what's your mother doing tonight" I asked as soon as I walked up to him

"I don't know, why?" He asked

"Because there is this party tonight and I want you to come"

"Oh I can't sorry my mother won't let me back in the house if I break curfew again,. Curfew is 4:30p.m."

"Then just stay at my house my parents are over seas for business they will be there for a few months"

"After the party"

"For a while longer I hope"

"there is just two little problems"

"What" I asked

"One, my mother will go crazy and come find me and i would have to go to my house to get things I need and two, what would Kyle say or even do knowing that the boy you like and is probably going to end up with in the end" he stopped and winked at me "is living with you" he finished.

"Well, you can get your things when your mom goes to work and as for your clothes we can wash them remember they are washable and for the Kyle thing who said he had to know" I stopped and winked back at him" problems solved"

He just looked at me for a little then asked "who's party"

"Kyle's" I answered

" I can't go with you then"

"Don't worry I got all planned out just be at the park at 5 the party's from 5 til unknown time Kyle's parents are gone for awhile Jungkook will pick you up for the party"

*Timed skipped*
(4:55 p.m.)

Jungkook just picked me up and we have started walking to the party with Taehyung.

I was at the party with Jungkook, Taehyung, his brother Namjoon and his date Jin and Jin's friend Jhope his date Lilith and Yoongi and Kyle and his gang and more but only we were the ones who played truth or dare with some other girl and I don't even know their names.

"Jimin truth or dare?" Mike asked I've been picked four times but I don't mind I always did truth I'm scared of dares. If you don't do the dare or answer the truth you had to do seven minutes in heaven with the person to your right. "Dare" I answer " I dare you to kiss... Yoongi" Lance said and Kyle gave him a dirty look. "No he's my boyfriend you can't"
"Then go in the closet with the person to your right" said one of the girls "Yoongi"  another one said. "No" Kyle said "come on Kyle it's not like they would do anything, Yoongi's your boyfriend and he's loyal" Mike  said " ok" Kyle said and me and Yoongi went to the closet and stood there. As soon as we heard the group start playing again we had a make out session. " He thinks your loyal Yoongi" I said as we parted " I know" he said "you have to break up with him" I told him and he agreed"I will tomorrow" he said then our time was up. We played a little more until, I was picked again but this time I picked truth. "Tell us why you were glad your mom left for a business trip" Kyle demanded I just looked at the ground "no we will go to the closet" Yoongi said pulling me to the closet before I could say anything. "Why did you do that?" I asked him "because I don't want you to tell anyone about you mother and neither do you" he said "I'm protecting you".
I gave him a hug and we hugged for the remainder of the time because we knew we had to go out there and pretend to be just friends which I could barely do.

After truth or dare we all went to the living room and had more to drink. After 3 hours of drinking the party was over.

After the party I was super drunk and Yoongi was like a designated driver, he didn't drink anything, even though Kyle told him he can drink some because he was staying at his place, he declined he said he was going to his place and didn't say anything about me coming over.

"Here we are" he said parking the car. He helped me out and into the house it was big and I've been there before so I went straight to him room. Yoongi came up with a little trash can just in case I puked. Then I layed down and covered up.
"I'm hot babe" I said he looked at me then I puked in the trash can.
There was puke all over my shirt because I fell off the bed it didn't get on it. I puked in the trashcan.
"Your a hot mess" Yoongi told me as he took me to the bathroom and started a shower for me. "This will help with the headache you'll get tomorrow and this shower will help you sober up some so you don't puke again here's some clothes" Yoongi said then left.

I finished my shower and walked in to his room in a pair of his sweatpants and shirtless.
"Um, you forgot the shirt" I said.

"No I didn't" he said with a smirk. He got in to bed. I got in next to him and cuddled.

"Goodnight sunshine" he said

"Goodnight suga" I said tryinv to say sugar then I saw him smile then he kissed my forhead. I found a nickname, perfect.

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