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I sit in my English class when Mr. Hogs says "Quiet down everyone!" As soon as his loud booming voice is heard everyone becomes quiet. Mr. Hogs can be scary when's he mad. For someone so small he sure has a lot of anger in his body. "We have a new student. Great another one of you." He whispers the last part under his breath. "His name is Drake Adams. Please welcome him with open arms." He turns towards Drake, AKA, the player, and gives him his famous scowl. "Go find a empty seat." 

There was a empty seat beside me, and in front of Leanne. Leanne is Derek's girlfriend. 

Their like the picture perfect couple. He's on the football team, she's the head cheerleader. He's gorgeous, she's gorgeous. Perfect match. Everything would be great if she wasn't such a bitch. She's actually super nice, to everyone but me. 

I guess today is my lucky day. Most, if not all guys will choose Leanne over me. It's just a scientific fact. She's the definition of a barbie. Which isn't an insult. She has the blonde hair, that looks beautiful under the sun, the sea blue eyes, and perfectly tanned skin. It probably helps that her dad created nut dip, which is a version of Peanut butter. 

Anyways, anyone would choose her over me. So I don't have to worry about Drake coming and bothering me. 

He looks at the two empty seats and he zeros in on my eyes. He strides over to me and sits right beside me. I groan and put my head on my desk and lightly slam my head against it. I don't want to get a headache or a head concussion for this jerk. 

"Aw hun, I'm happy to see you too." Drake says sarcastically. 

"It's obvious I don't like you, why do you keep bothering me?" 

"I like a challenge." He smirks.

"I just want to get over my crush, why can't you let me do that?" I groan. 

"But I can help you with that." He smiles. 

"I'm not going to have sex with you Drake." I shake my head, and I start to think about what it would be like, I shake my head harshly, hell no. 

"Did I say I wanted to sleep with you Elle?" He transforms his smile into a smirk. 

I sigh and get ready to argue some more when I hear what he said. "How in the hell do you know my name anyway?" I accuse. 

It is rather creepy. 

"Your bubbly friend told me. I think she's on my side. Let me help you." 

"Help me how?" I say curiously. 

"I'll do you one better than trying to get over Mr. Perfect." 

"Oh yeah? And what would that be?" I say. 

"You make him notice you." 

I roll my eyes. "He already does." 

He then rolls his eyes, "Yeah, sure he does. He calls you Emily for fuck sakes." 

I scoff, "It's close enough. He got the beginning right." 

"Like it matters. Face the facts, he barely knows you. But I have a plan to make him notice you, and then eventually you'll date and yada yada yada." 

I squint my eyes, "And what's in it for you? You can't be doing this out of the goodness of your heart." 

"Let's just say, you'll owe me a favor." 

"But his psycho girlfriend will ruin me if I do anything with him. She already hates me enough, I don't need to add more fuel to the fire." 

Leanne is scary. I'm not going to risk anything." 

"Don't worry. I have a plan for that too. Trust me." 

I laugh lightly, so not to alarm our teacher, " Trust you? How in the hell am I supposed to trust you when I just met you and I know absolutely nothing about you?" 

It's true. 

"That's up to you. But it's better if you do." 

Before I can reply Mr. Hogs interrupts us and says " Ms. De La Cruz, although Mr. Adams may be a new student, doesn't mean you can disrupt my class. Understand?" Mr. Hogs yells. 

"Yes sir." I glare at Drake and start to listen to Mr. Hogs, ignoring Drake, even though I can feel him staring at me. 

"Elle! There you are." Cailey yelled at me as I tried to rush out of English and away from Drake. "Did you see Drake?" She seemed very happy. 


Still love her though. 

"Why did you tell him my name?" I demand Cailey. I get she's just trying to help me, but I just wish she would stop. I don't want to be with Drake, and I never will. He's a player, and I don't date players. 

"I'm sorry. But I think you guys would be so cute together." She's nearly bouncing up and down, oh my. 

"It's okay, but no more telling the enemy about me, okay?" I point my finger accusingly at her, jokingly of course.

"Of course, now let's go the cafeteria, I'm so hungry." 

I laugh, "When aren't you hungry?" 

We walk into the cafeteria, get our lunch and sit at our usual table. We're laughing and telling each other stories when I feel a tap on the shoulder, I turn around and see, you guessed it, Drake flipping Adams. 

"What do you want Adams?" I sigh and groan. 

"Get up." He says in a monotone voice. 

"What? No." I deny. 

"Get up now or I'll make you get up." He challenges.

"And how exactly are you going to do that?" 

"Don't tempt me Elle." 

I roll my eyes, "I'm up. Now what do you want?" I say annoyed. 

He takes a look around the cafeteria, gives me a slight smirk before leaning in and then he kisses me. 

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