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I groan as I wake up from my restless sleep. I look around my room, remembering yesterday's events, and how Drake should still be here, but I come across nothing. 

Where is he?

I get up and slide on my bunny slippers and scurry around the small house looking for him. 

Thank god my dad won't be home until tomorrow or else I would be in deep trouble. 

When I walk into the kitchen I see a note on my fridge. My eyebrows rise and I pluck the note and start to read it. 

"Dear Elle, sorry for leaving before you woke up, but there's some takeout in the fridge for you to eat once you wake up. Hope you feel better and I hope I'll see you tomorrow. Love your favorite bad boy, Drake."

I roll my eyes at seeing the bad boy part and I smile at his sweetness. I open the fridge and see there's Chinese food in it. 

Damn how did he know I loved Chinese food? 

Probably lucky guess.

As I'm eating my rice I get a phone call. I grab my phone, which I must've left on the counter when coming in with Drake, and  answered it. 


"Elle! What happened to you at school today? People said they saw you, but you weren't in class." My best friend Cailey said. 

"Shit happened." I say curtly. "A lot of stuff happened today. Why don't you come over and I can tell you everything." I say, while finishing off the rest of my dinner. 

Then Cailey says "Elle, do you even know what time it is now?" 

I shake my head, then I remember she can't see me. 


"No, it's probably like six or something, right?" All my blinds are closed, so I can't really tell what time of the day it is based on the sunlight outside.

"Elle, It's like ten in the night. What the hell have you been doing? You know what? Don't answer that, I'm on my way." 

I stutter, still surprised that it's that late. "What about your parents? I don't think they'll let you go out this late." 

"It'll be fine. Be there soon." Then Cailey hangs up the phone. 

I place my phone back on the counter and I make my way towards the blinds and I open them. It's dark out, like dead of night dark out. What the heck? I could've sworn it was the evening, not the night. How long was I asleep for? When did Drake leave? All these questions are bouncing around in my brain. Drake was surprisingly nice today. But why? Now that I think of it, he's been nice to me all this while. Just a little teasing. But why is he nice to me? I'm just a girl he met in a bar, and who he decided to help get a guy. This is all so weird and confusing. I can't deny that I may be falling for him, but come on, it's  hard not to. He's Drake Adams. 

Damn, I think I'm going crazy.   

Right when that thought comes out I hear a knock on my door. I get up and I see my crazy best friend Cailey. "So," She starts off, "What happened today man? Both you and Drake weren't at school. Oh my god!" She squealed. That really hurt the ears. "Did you and Drake, you know, do the dirty?" 

I get confused for a second. "The dirty?" Then realization comes over me. "Oh my god, Cailey no! Okay this is what happened. I was walking through school when all of a sudden Leanne comes at me and starts yelling in my face." 

"What?" Cailey says surprised. 

"Yeah." I agree. That Leanne is batshit crazy. "Anyways, you know how I get shaky when people touch me violently?" 

"Yeah." Cailey shakes her head up and down saying yes. \

"Well that started to happen. Leanne was about to punch me when-"

"When what?" Cailey interrupts me. 

"If you didn't interrupt me you would know." I roll my eyes and continue on with my story. "Before she could, Drake came to my rescue." 

Cailey again squealed. "Oh my god. My ship. My ship is sailing." She started to jump up and down in excitement. 

"Shh. Then he took me back home and made me tea and I guess made sure I was okay, since he could see me visibly shaking." I explain. 

Cailey had this look of total astonishment on her face. Like she couldn't believe what I was telling her. "Man, he cares about you so much." 

I shake my head, "No Cailey, we're not doing this again. If it was another girl he would do the same. He's not in love with me or anything." 

"Deny all you want. Because I know even though he may not like you, I know for a fact that you like him." She then smirks when I give her a look of surprise. 

I do not like Drake. 


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