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 I'm laying on my bed contempalating my life, 

or lack of it.

Ever since Lauren came into town this weekend, she's been taking as much Drake's time as she can. 

Just when I can't take this boredom anymore, I feel my phone buzz underneath me. I spring up hoping it's Drake when I see it's Derek. 

I sigh.

Usually I would be over the moon that my crush decided to call me, but over these past few weeks that I've known Drake, my feelings for Derek had started to disappear. 

In a way, I wish they didn't disappear. That way, it would be easier for me to get over my little crush on Drake. 

Damn you Drake Adams.

Maybe if I spend more time with Derek, my feelings will reappear for him, and my feelings for Drake would magically disappear. 

Sounds like a plan.

I answer the phone with a "Hello?"

"Nellie, hi." I hear his soft voice say over the phone.

"Um, It's actually Elle." 

"What?" I could hear his confusion over the phone. 

Does he still not really know my name? I guess it's safe to say that he's not the sharpest tool in the shed.

"My name. My name is Elle. Not Nellie." 

"Why didn't you tell me? I've been mispronouncing it this whole time!" He said with bewilderment clear in his voice.

I'm surprised he even knew what mispronouncing meant. 

No shade though.

"I don't know. Anyways, Why'd you call Derek?" I ask while picking something out of my nails. 

Why am I so bored talking to him? 

It's weird.

"Oh. Right. Did you want to hang out or something?" 

I was about to say no but then maybe I should try and move on. Drake seems perfectly happy with Lauren, and they've known each other forever. What kind of a person would I be if I stood in their way? 


"Cool. Meet me at Birdie's Diner in an hour okay?"

Birdie's Diner is the local diner that everyone eats at. Mostly the teenagers though. It's like the main hang out. 

"Yeah sure." We hang up shortly after. 

As I'm nearing Birdie's I see Derek waiting outside, he's on the phone talking to someone. I get out of my car and I walk towards him. Once he sees me he says something to whoever he's talking on the phone with and he hangs up. He flashes me a wide smile and says "Hey Elle." 

I smile, "Oh hey, you got my name right." 

He smiles and and grabs my hand. I look down at it while we walk through the doors. I whisper to him, "Is this a date?"

"I was hoping it would be." He gives me a small smile. 

I stare down at our entwined hands and say "But what about your girlfriend?" 

He looks confused for a second, until it clicks into his brain. "Oh. Don't worry about her. She's doesn't own me, so she can't tell me what to do. We're not even dating." He shakes his head.

I scoff, "Yeah doesn't mean she won't kill me for talking to you."

He crinkles his eyebrows. "Does she do that? Get mad when I talk to other girls?" 

I nodded my head up and down furiously. "Yes." 

"I'll talk to her. Now come on. Let's get on with this date."

I smile slightly. Maybe this won't be so bad. I've barely thought about Lauren and Drake at all so far. Maybe Derek can help me. 

We then walk into the diner and we find a seat farther away from everywhere else. I look at Derek staring at the menu, deciding what he wants to eat. 

"So then I said, 'No you can't do that, you'll land up in jail.' Spoiler alert, he landed up in jail in Mexico and I had to fly there to get him. End of story." Derek smiled at his story.

I laughed slightly at his bizarre story. I was actually having a good time here with Derek. I took a sip of my strawberry milkshake when I hear the bell jingle, showing someone was coming through the door to enter the cafe. 

I cast my gaze upon the door and I swear to god my eyes almost came out of their sockets.

The man who hasn't left my mind, and the girl who took him away from me, Drake and Lauren. Derek must've seen my expression and stared at me.

"Hey, aren't you guys dating?"

I pay my attention back to him and say "Um... yeah."

"And he's with another girl?" His face scrunches up. 

"I"m with you aren't I?" I raise my eyebrow. 

"Do you want to make him jealous?" 

How can I make him jealous if he doesn't even like me like that? I didn't say that out loud because Derek can't know that me and Drake aren't really dating. 

So I said "Sure. Let's do it."

"Come here." He says to me. 

I go towards him more and he whispers in my ear "He's spotted you. He's coming this way. Trust me okay?" 

I nod my head. 

Then he kisses me. 

Let's be honest here. Derek was a fantastic kisser. He sure knew his way around. But there was no sparks. But I was so pissed at Drake I didn't even care. I kiss him back and we keep on kissing until we hear someone clear their throat.

We break apart and I see Lauren and Drake standing right beside our table. 

"Can we sit?" Drake asked. 

I was about to say no until Derek interrupted me. "Of course." 

Damn it. 

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