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"What? No way!" Drake says excitedly looking down at his phone.

I raise my eyebrow and lock my phone. "What's going on?" I ask.

"An old friend of mine is coming to town." I can clearly see the happiness swimming around in his eyes. He;s obviously excited for this friend to come. 

I smile, just glad that he's happy. "That's great Drake. How long is this friend staying for?"

He holds a finger at me, signalling for me to just wait. He gets a message notification and his mouth drops open. 

"Well?" I ask impatiently. My curiosity is peaked. 

"She's going to stay here, at my house, and she's going to go to our school." He has a huge grin on his face. 

"She?" I gulp down. 

I'm not jealous. She's just someone who's really close to Drake who I think I'm starting to develop feelings for. 

No biggie. 

"Oh shit, yeah. Her name is Lauren. She's my best friend. You'll love her." 

I smile awkwardly, hoping Drake doesn't see my discomfort. 

"Are you going to inform her about our plan?" I hope he doesn't so she won't make a pass at my Drake.

I mean Drake. 

Just Drake.

"Yeah, we tell no secrets." Drake goes back on his phone and does his own thing. 

"Great." I drag out. 

If this Lauren girl takes Drake away from me, I'll cut her.

I"m kidding, but I will not be happy.

"Hello?" I hear Drake's voice over the phone. 

"Hey, it's Elle, obviously." I chuckle nervously. 

"Oh hey, what do you need Elle?"

When did I ever need anything to talk to him?

All the time.

But that's not the point.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out today or something to work on our game plan."

"I thought you didn't want to do it anymore."

"I changed my mind!" I said with a chirp in my tone. I wanted to stop it, until news of Lauren coming to town, and now I'll take whatever I can get to make sure me and Drake's newly acquired friendship doesn't go down the drain. 

"Oh. Well I can't today I'm going to meet Lauren at the airport and show her around town." 

I frown instantly. And not because Drake is denying me, but because he's denying me for that wench Lauren.

Okay I get it, I shouldn't be calling her all these names, because I don't know her, and I haven't met her and blah, blah, blah. Who cares? All I know is since Drake found out Lauren was coming to town to stay, all he's been able to talk about is Lauren. We barely have time for our friendship or our fake relationship that this one girl came up to me at school the other day and asked if I was still dating Drake. 

This whole damn plan is falling apart. 

Damn you Lauren Collins. 

"Oh, I see. I guess we'll hang out another day." 

I'm about to hang up when I hear a faint "Wait." I place the phone back to my ear and hear to what Drake has to say. "Why don't you come with me? I know we haven't hung out a lot, or I haven't helped you much with the whole Derek situation but come with me. Meet Lauren." 

I really wanted to say no. But these last couple of weeks, I've been feeling things that I haven't felt in a long time. It might be too soon, but I think I like Drake. I don't know, it's just that whenever we talk or hang out, it feels like I've known him for a long time. 

Crazy, I know.

"Sure." I mumble. 

"Great. I'll pick you up in ten minutes." 

"Sounds great." He then hangs up on me.

Okay, maybe I'm just delusional. Maybe Lauren is just a friend and what if she's not even that pretty?

I hope so. 

Why am I acting like this? I've never felt this much hatred towards Leanne, so why would I feel towards Lauren. 

My life is just one big confusing mess. Because I can think any more of the topic I hear a honk outside and I see Drake's car. 

I guess it's now or nothing.

Currently me and Drake are in the middle of the airport waiting for Lauren. Who is late, may I add. I think now may be a good time to admit to Drake that I'm starting to develop a crush on him. 

"Hey Drake?" I ask.

He turns his gaze onto me and says "Yes?"

I take a deep breath in and ready myself for the possibly most embarrassing moment of my life. "I like-" 

I get cut off my Drake saying "Lauren."

My eye twitches. "No Drake, my name is Elle. Not Lauren." I cross my arms over my chest, upset.

Drake shakes his head, "No, it's Lauren." He goes running off into a different direction and hugs a girl who looks to be quite smaller than him, but still taller than me.

He comes walking back towards me, after he so rudely abadoned me, and shows me this tall, slim, model looking blonde. She has bright blue eyes, clear pale complexion and a smile guys would fall to the ground looking at. 

She's everything I'm not. She's beautiful. 

Great. She's not ugly like I hoped.

"Elle, this is my best friend Lauren Collins." He looks at Lauren "Lauren this is my friend Elle De La Cruz" 

When he looks at her, he looks genuinely happy. Something he doesn't show me that often. He looks content with me, sure, but not this happy.

She sticks her hand out and says "Hello Ella."

I hestiantly shake her hand. "It's um Elle. Drake has told me so much about you." I fake smile, anything to get through this.

She puts on a wide smile, similar to my fake one, but I feel like I'm the only one noticing her dislike towards me. "Drake has told me nothing about you. But don't worry hun, we have so much to talk about, that he just doesn't have to time to talk about some little friend." 

I look over to Drake to see what he has to say about this and he's still smiling. 

Does he not see the malice in her tone?

I look back to her and I see a smirk growing on her lips and her hand squeezing my hand a little too tightly. She goes to hug me tight and whisper in my ear. "I know you like Drake, it's all over your face. A little warning, he is mine. And if you think for a second you're going to take him away from me, then you're delusional." She backs away and goes to a tone of voice hugely different then the tone she just used with me. "It's going to be so fun getting to know you Ella." 

I smile on the outside, but I'm screaming on the inside. 

What is happening?

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