Chapter 7

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Justin's P.O.V. (;

I knew where Jess lived, but I didn't have her phone number. I had no way of getting in contact with her along with trying to tell her I was coming to her house.

Right now.

It seemed crazy, but I needed to see her. I didn't see her or her smile at all yesterday. You could say I was extremely anxious, but I think I was overwhelmingly happy. I couldn't wait any longer. So I had to go.

I was already on my way in my Black Range Rover. To be honest I was slightly nervous that I'd run into Ian or one of her friends there. Jess and I had never really talked before until Beach Fest and I can bet you a thousand dollars she hasn't mentioned me once to her friends.

But what was there to mention?

I pulled up to the all too familiar brick house and jumped out. There was no cars in the driveway meaning no one was home and she was alone or she wasn't home at all. I was hoping for the first one.

I swaggered up to the door with my black skinny jeans and white tee, about to knock on her door. But then, a strange thing happened.

I froze.

What if she didn't want to see me again? What if Ian's car was parked in the garage?

What if

What if

What if

I couldn't help it. I was terrified and I didn't really know if I wanted to go anymore. I literally stood there for five minutes contemplating on what I should do.

Finally, I decided to just knock and hope for the best. I owed it to myself to find out how she felt now.

*Knock Knock*

My heart was pounding, I swear she could probably hear it from her bedroom. She finally answered the door with a startled expression on her face. I could see it through her stained glass window.

"Hey," I tried to play it cool.

"Justin?" she gave me a strange look, as to say why the hell are you here.

"I just wanted to see you. I thought I should just apologize for what I had said about Ian. I want to be friends. Can we try?" I stammered.

"Come in," she said.

She widened the space between her and the door so I could come in. Then, Jess oddly took my hand and pulled me upstairs to her room.

"I don't want you getting any ideas... I only brought you up here because Cass was over last night and the living room is kind of a mess," she said.

I couldn't help but notice how she neglected to look at me. She seemed very uncomfortable and I felt slightly upset that I had brought her to feel this way.

"How are you?" I asked.

She started to laugh.

"I'm fine?" she couldn't stop.

"Why are you laughing?" I smirked and let out a little laugh myself.

"Because, you're question was completely random. I continue to laugh because I haven't in awhile. I feel so dumb for being mean to you. I'm sorry. Forgive me?" she pouted.

"Yes of course princess," I winked.

"I finally realized that you were right about Ian. And I was wrong. I should've listened to you more," she confessed.

"What made you have a change in heart?" I questioned.

She took a deep breath, "I went to the movies with Ian yesterday and," she let it out, "I left to go to the bathroom and I came back to see Ian and Natalie making out right in front of me."

I just stared at her. Inside, I felt extremely disappointed and mad at myself for not preventing this from happening. I knew he was wrong for her and I let it happen.

"I'm so sorry Jess," I looked into her bold brown eyes.

A tear fell from her eyes and she turned away to hide her hurt from me.

"Don't shut me out," I whispered, "I'm not Ian. I care about you."

"How do I know that?" she said.

Then, I felt an urge to do something. I looked straight into her eyes and turned her chin to look back into mine.

And then I said,

"You're worth waiting for."

She really looked at me right then and there.

Her eyes twinkling and mine full of longing for her.

We got closer and closer within a matter of seconds filling the void between us that had always been there.


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