Chapter 6: Just Like a Scary Movie (Part 1/3)

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          "Here we are." Draven announced, motioning towards a doorless room full of students.

          Vera smiled with forced politeness, and went through the empty doorway. "Thank you for taking us here, we don't need your assistance anymore."

          "Ooh harsh." Draven folded his arms and leaned against the wall in relaxation. "Sorry ma'am, I'll be waiting here. Don't wanna be facing the wrath of your sis like Ray is."

          Vera rolled her eyes and looked at Káel. "Come on, follow me."

          The room had the same same stony texture as most of the building's interior, but Káel noticed the red carpet paving the lobby and main hallways didn't reach into the other rooms, or smaller corridors. This room didn't have skylights either, since there was another level above. Instead it was lit with multiple floating blue balls of energy.

          Vera walked to the other end of the room, where adults in formal wear sat behind large wooden desks. Whenever a teenager approached them, they would greet them with a smile, take their blue slip, do something to it under the desk, and then hand them a white envelope.

          Except for the one in the far right corner, he didn't accumulate a line. It was likely due to his pessimistic appearance, and the fact that he had his nose in a book, oblivious to any students that tried to grab his attention. Vera, ignoring the signs of a disgruntled worker, approached him nonetheless.

          "Hello Mr. Mudelin." she said as she approached the desk. 

          He didn't react to the greeting, pretending to be immersed in the small novel he was holding as Vera audibly cleared her throat.

          The man slowly lifted his head, so he could look upon the two students with dissatisfaction. "You must be the new Strylez." He looked Káel up and down impassively, his lips firmly sealed from addressing his strange attire.

          Vera handed him her blue slip, and Káel did the same. He did Vera's first, dropping the blue slip into a black box, and then pulling a white envelope out from beneath it. When he got to Káel's he quickly read it and paused, giving Káel a weird side glance as he dropped it in the box and handed him his envelope.

          Vera wished him a good day, as they left his desk, but his mouth remained crooked in a dreary scowl as he watched the two students walk away.

          When they got to the middle of the room Vera grabbed Káel's shoulder and stopped him. She was mischievously smiling at him as she cupped her hands around his ear to whisper. "You wanna try and lose Draven?"

          Draven was still propped up against the wall, paying no attention to the juniors he was supposed to be watching, and Jeremiah was curled around his feet, dozing off in a light cat nap.

          Káel nodded, and they intermingled themselves within the large groups of chattering students, stealing away through a separate door they discovered. Káel was curious as to what was in the white envelope he'd received, whatever was in it, it's substantial weight gave away the fact it wasn't just paper.

          They walked down a vacant hall, lined with doors and even more strange paintings. There wasn't a single person around, and even as they pushed further into the building, it remained hauntingly empty. The whole population of the school appeared to be compacted in one specific area, the lobby and front entrance; and as Vera walked by his side, Káel felt more and more out of place.

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