Chapter 27: A Song in the Night (Part 1/3)

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Cobs hit 40,000 reads. Holy hell, you guys are on a roll!

I hope this never gets old, but thank you to my front door and back a million times! (sorry, self-isolating, can't quite get to the moon)

Anyways, to celebrate, here is yet another update!

Three updates in two weeks... the world must truly be ending.



          Káel rolled his eyes, not even bothering to give Phantom a glance at this point.

          He'd silently slipped from his covers as soon as he heard Truvius' quiet snores, and Phantom had hounded him for the entire twenty minutes it took him to stuff every personal effect in his suitcase.

          "Káel, listen to the voice of reason."

          Káel couldn't help but grace Phantom with a single glance, slowly raising his eyebrows.

          "I get it. You're young, you think you can do anything-"


          Káel blotted out the rest of his speech. Any critique that started with his age wasn't a critique worth listening to. 

           He finished, silently sealing up the zipper and cracking open the drawer of his nightstand to grab the knife Zalius had gifted him, stuffing it in the rim of his pants.

          "Oh yes, stuff Cursimian in your pants, I'm sure he'll love the view."

          Káel scrunched his nose, tossing a look of disgust between Phantom and the blade, before making peace with the ludicrousy of his life and turning to the window.

          "Just- for one second, for one second think about what you're doing right now."

          Káel popped the latches, watching Truvius to make sure he didn't stir. 

          When he was sure he'd gone undetected he looked back at the foot of his bed, the small note still nestled atop a neatly folded uniform and combat suit. There wasn't anything to lose now. He'd made his choice in Samanthra's office, there was no going back even before he decided tonight would be the night he'd leave Cobalt for good.

          "Think of Puff."

          Káel stopped, his heart sinking ever so slightly as his guardian warbled at his feet. 

          Puff was safer in Cobalt.

          He didn't know if he'd even make it to his uncle.

          Káel stared down at Puff, clenching his jaw to keep it from shaking as he pulled through a soft whisper. "I'm not the friend you want Puff." 

          Puff snorted, biting down onto the back of Káel's shoe with a muffled warble.

          The nostalgia struck Káel in the worst way possible, every second he spent lingering on the dragon's misty eyes ripping into his heart as he quickly shoved open the window. Grabbing his suitcase, he kicked Puff off his foot and pulled himself through the thin gap. 

          Every warbling cry of his guardian echoed in his mind as he locked the path back up with insanctious, the panic thrumming in his chest as he knew it would be a matter of minutes before Puff woke up Truvius. 

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