Chapter 17: How to Fix a Battery (Part 1/2)

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          "Y-you're back!" Talli exclaimed, the food tray in her hands acting as the only thing between Káel and a crushing hug. "W-we thought you, you went into the forest and got eaten."

          "You thought," Vera corrected, taking her seat beside Káel at the table.

          Truvius and Talli had played it safe, sitting across from Káel and seeming to be extra careful when they talked to him. Which in the end was more irritating.

          "So, where'd you go after leaving class?" Truvius started.

          "Outside," Káel lied, pushing Puff's nose away from his food. "Did I miss anything important?"

          "Notes... silent class." Truvius faked a pouty face to match a theatrical voice. "I think you hurt Mr. Mudelin's feelings."

          Káel raised his eyebrows. "He has feelings?"

          Talli looked around in worry at her laughing friends. "I-I don't think we should m-make fun of our teachers, I like my marks."

          "You're right, but there's no point with Káel since he already hates him," Vera replied.

          "M-my brother said he ignores th-the people he truly hates." Talli looked down at her food to avoid her friends gazes. "A-and you did almost kill Horus."

          A hint of worry flashed across Káel's face at the name. "Oh yeah, is he alright?"

          "Yeah, you just broke his nose," Truvius replied.

          "Unfortunately," Vera added, masking a laugh with a cough. "Can't say the same for his pride though."

          Everyone snapped their attention to Vera's malicious entertainment. 

          "Woah there, what'd he do to you?" Truvius said.

          "Nothing you need to worry about."

          "I-I think Horus is nice," Talli squeaked, cringing from Vera's judgmental gaze.

          "He's a full blown narcissist," Vera growled. 

          "Well, so long as he keeps to himself he's not harming anyone," Truvius said, trying to calm the conversation from turning into gossip.

          "He handed me a comb in the middle of the hallway because I had a messy strand of hair, and told me to keep it cause I needed it," Vera snapped.

          "Wow," Káel said, trying to hold back a grin while Vera burned with rage.

          Truvius's face turned to a playful smile. "What'd you do with the comb?"

           "I burned it, right Cinder?"

          Cinder chirped in agreement, rubbing her small head against Vera's cheek. Even the Phoenix shared Vera's spite.

           "He's never called Káel out on messy hair," Truvius replied, bursting into laughter at his statement. "Is that his way of flirting?"

            Vera's cheeks flushed red with embarrassment, and she looked around to see if anyone was staring at them. "Definitely not," she snapped, glaring at Truvius who couldn't stop laughing.

          "We should test it," Káel said. "Hey Truvius mess up your hair."

          "No, you mess up your hair," Truvius argued. "You never brush yours anyways."

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