Chapter 14: The Trial (Part 2/3)

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Heyoooo guess who isn't actually dead? Not. Me. But here's an update anyways, and a little message to tack on.

First of all three months dry on updates and Cobs got featured! Big yay, and welcome all you new readers (and old, I love you guys too), hope you're enjoying this! Cobs also hit 2.8k and climbing, so thank you all my lovely readers.

Lastly, here's a quick blurb of my update schedule. The next part will be coming out after the second week of December, in which I'll hope to shower you all in chapters~ I've been juggling full time school and work these past three months, so that's the reason I've been dead since September. Keeping that GPA canoe afloat ain't easy, but this zombie student sales associate will be sure to deliver in December with one big happy holidays gift bundle!

Without further ado, here's the next part.

          Káel cradled Puff in his arms, the dragon filled with so much excitement he'd been purring all the way to their destination. Truvius had pulled ahead of the pack, cutting through the sea of whispering students that peppered the group with an even mix of judgement and praise. 

          Word of Puff's release had spread through the schools populace faster than Káel's unfortunate nickname, and although Truvius seemed impervious to the jabs, Vera and Talli had faired for the worse. 

          Vera tugged Talli to her other side, taking the shoulder of a student passing them and nearly knocking them off their feet. The sour frown they paid her was doubled in return by a scorching scowl as she tugged Talli closer. "Are we almost there?"

          "Couple minutes," Truvius replied, swerving around a set of students that hadn't bothered to move from the center of the hall. "I was expecting worse honestly."

          "Worse?" Káel scoffed, his growl lightening as he caught some of Jade's friends waving their group good luck. "Which idiot told everyone?"

          Leon snorted as Káel's gaze naturally wandered to him. "If I told anyone, it wouldn't be these skatheads that hate innocent balls of fluff because they have teeth."

         Talli squeaked, trying to hide her whimper when Káel paid her his confusion. "I-I'm sorry."

         "For what?" Káel paused, clicking in as she flushed red.


          A hollowed roar shook the rigid bones of the room, Samanthra flinching at the rattling windows of glass above their heads as Mr. Mudelin swiftly cut the chattering hoards of students off with his thick classroom doors. 

          Mariel had been the last guest to slip in after making sure the breakers positioned outside didn't have their hands full with the crowd of nosy students, and now with silence to cradle their thoughts, everyone paid their fellow guests a skim.

          Káel kept the center of attention, Puff huddled in his arms as Samanthra and his least favourite teacher lingered together near the desk, Mr. Mudelin taking the only chair so he could shove his nose in a book again. Káel had already noticed the presence of his two house leaders, the only flecks of silver stripes lined in a rainbow of what he had now assumed to be the other house leaders. Which meant Horus, who wore nothing but a permanent mask of disgust for Káel, was one of the purple house leaders.

          He pulled his gaze away from their stone expressions, his heart clenching as he ran over Puff's chances at freedom. The way the rest of the students took every meter wide stretch of the circular room screamed anything but an open armed welcome, their uniforms clad with golden stripes that flaunted a house Káel had never seen in his classes. 

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