Chapter 23: The Storm (Part 2/3)

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          Káel sped out of his room, hearing Truvius scrambling close behind. Whatever the device in his hair was it had been placed recently, else Puff would have nipped it out sooner in the many groomings he gave Káel's hair.

          And if it was a tracker, Ray would have known he had gone back to the room.

          He dodged a pair of students going to their dorm, nearly slipping down the thin flight of stairs and throwing his weight against the door at the bottom to catch his momentum. 

          "How do you even know that's Ray's?" Truvius called, showing his confusion as Káel cracked open the door and held it for him before rushing over to Talli and a group of her friends chatting in the lounge.

          Vera could think of something, conniving was practically her middle name.

          But Káel didn't see her as he skimmed the confused faces of Talli's friends, taking a moment to catch his breath before paying her a smile. "Have you seen Vera?"

          Talli looked between the two boys with growing confusion. "Sh-she got called to Lady Samanthra's office."

          "Thanks," Káel curtly replied, waving for Truvius to follow as he rushed out of the silver dorm.

          Káel followed Phantom's lead, the lines of portraits and carved trimmings to the walls clicking with his memory as the route to Samanthra's office. Truvius definitely knew the way as well, but the moon-dish gaze in his eyes as he jogged beside Káel didn't give the best impression about his current mindset.

          There was no hiding it now, but given that Truvius hadn't started screaming when he admitted to being tailed by Phantom, he would take it as a good sign. 

          "You know, I do know a memory wiping spell or two," Phantom said, turning to jog backwards. "They are a bit difficult to master, but we could test run one on Blondie."

          Káel glanced at Truvius, there was no point in hiding his one sided conversations anymore, but the gesture came naturally. "We just need to find Vera, she'll have a solution." 

          Truvius' nod didn't match up to the fear in his eyes. The gesture of trust seeming to rot in his stomach as he pressed his lips to keep any words from escaping.

          Káel frowned, the winding staircase to Samanthra's office in sight with it's overwatching iron doors firmly sealed. Interrupting a meeting he didn't know anything about would be rude beyond belief, he just needed to get to Vera before Ray got to him, and make a plan to keep Phantom safe for his last four days on Lumi.

          With a quick inspection of the empty room he nudged Truvius to an empty stone bench, patiently seating himself below the painting of a sand gold dragon that stretched above his height and a half. 

          Puff let out an exhausted warble at the sudden exercise, flopping on Truvius' feet as he took his seat beside Káel, silence still biting into his throat as he anticipated the end. 

          Káel gave Truvius a moment to think, rubbing his shoulder with a light smile to lift the tense atmosphere. "You're right, but he's my friend," Káel whispered, holding Truvius' gaze for a handful of seconds before dropping it to Puff. "Just like that savage ball of love and affection down there."

          Puff grunted, still heaving for air as he sprawled across the marble floor.

          "You don't have to talk if you don't want to," Káel continued, keeping his smile for Truvius strong. "But can I trust you not to tell anyone else about him?"

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