Chapter 20: The Art of War (Part 2/5)

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Almost forgot to stick this in, but via a wicked glitch and you lovely readers, Cobalt somehow made it to #4 in fantasy, and #5 in action and adventure!

Thank you for all the love and attention you've been giving Puf- this book! I hope you all enjoy future updates!


          Truvius squinted, hoping that pinching his eyes enough would help him see through the sea of black his group had ended up in. They had found the cathedral from the last game, and everyone seemed to know exactly where they were walking.

          Except him, for once.

          He gasped as a stone caught his foot, shoving into Káel's shoulder to catch his balance. With a stiffled grunt, Káel steadied him, his friend's face half a foot away and still completely invisible to Truvius.

          "What are you, blind?" a voice hissed, its owner signifying Vera was about a meter ahead of him.

          "It's pretty dark," Alestra whispered, her voice sending a shiver up Truvius' spine when he realised she was directly behind him. 

          Káel's voice came out a little louder than the rest. "I can see."

          "Me too, everyone else must be blind as coinkidinks," Vera huffed, her softened steps quickening as they slapped against a puddle. "There's a wall ahead, don't run into it coinkidinks."

          "Lead the way dragon princess," Alestra hummed, the air chilling at her retort as Vera breathed out a sharp sigh.

          Truvius smiled at the silence it brought.

          Vera really didn't like comebacks.

          After a few more close calls and phantom trips, Truvius finally found his solution in gripping Káel's arm, following his footsteps like a crippled elder to minimise anymore hiccups as they descended deeper into the building.

          Nestled into the pit of it's icy stomach, Vera found the smallest dip where the floor had fallen in. A perfect sanctuary to plant the blue flag Káel had stuffed into the back of his shirt like a strange banner. It was then that Vera finally allowed Cinder to wiggle out of her jacket, the small fiery bird immediately filling the dirt packed shelter with an orange glow.

          Despite now being able to see, Truvius could feel an anxious squeeze in his chest at how close everyone was, the claustrophobic nip at the back of his mind pulling his feet out of the space to look on at his friends.

          And Vera's disappointed smile.

          She definitely seemed to fit right in with the dark cave. Through fear or anger, any person that came upon her travelling would likely leave out of pure fear or frustration. Truvius was still patting himself on the back for keeping up a semi stable friendship with the Latos Fireball, Káel's role in the act pulling the bulk of his relationship to her.

          He tossed Káel a quick smile, the boy completely oblivious to his attention. 

          He was definitely worth putting up with snobby royals.

          "I'll protect the flags," Vera started, pulling everyone's attention with her pompous tone. "So you guys split up and scout out the other team flags."

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