3;; rough night

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{Third Person POV}

The night prior had Marinette flustered the next day at school. She was unfocused again, although Adrien wasn't the one on her thoughts. Today, all she could think about was Chat Noir. It was strange. She had never felt this way toward him before. Although she still had time to admire how handsome Adrien looked today, the silly kitty never left her mind.

Meanwhile, Adrien had been secretly gazing at Marinette whenever he could. He felt a connection with her after last night, even though he was sure she'd never know he was Chat Noir. It was strange for him as well, seeing as he'd only ever felt that way with his lady.

This time, Ladybug particularly dreaded patrol. It was clear as day that she had been the one to cause Chat's sadness last night, and it was eating away at her. Although, she did also help him, and even developed feelings towards him.

Chat Noir was always excited for patrol. Now, he was a bit hesitant. Of course he still felt strongly for his bugaboo, but now he also couldn't wait to visit Marinette. Adrien sighed and leaned his head on his hand that was propped up on his desk.

The school day swept by rather quickly. Thankfully, Marinette and Adrien had avoided being called out in class. That was always a good thing. Neither of them were much of speakers in class. Luckily for them, the day had just wrapped up into an end.

As the students all made sure to leave the school as quickly as possible, there was Marinette and Alya. Alya could pick up that for once, her best friend wasn't staring at the back of Adrien's head. She became curious and squinted her eyes. "Mari? What happened? Adrien's not good enough today?" Alya joked, whispering the last part.

Marinette had felt the blood rush to her cheeks, reddening them. She became flustered quiet easily. "W-what? No, o-of c-course not! He's handsome as a-always!" She was quick to rush out the words, stuttering over the majority of them. This was normal for her though.

Alya let go of the topic with a skeptical nod. Soon, the two arrived at Marinette's home where she said goodbye to her best friend and went inside. Almost immediately she sprinted to her room and began her schoolwork.

Adrien was escorted inside his gigantic house by his bodyguard, who looked more distressed than usual. When he stopped to ask why, his bodyguard simply grabbed his arm tightly and yanked him forward to be faster. The blonde boy flinched and tried to break free, knowing the tight grip was sure to leave a bruise. He realized that struggling won't get him anywhere though and simply followed along helplessly.

Once Adrien and his bodyguard were at his father's room, Nathalie brought them inside. The bodyguard's grip never loosened. His father looked at the three of them with a scowl. "Adrien, I'm tired of you falling behind on your responsibilities. You need to get better at piano, and to ensure that you do improve, I'm going to have your bodyguard stay with you until you finally make the song I assigned you perfect. I don't care if it takes all night. Now, you both may leave. Oh, also if it isn't done by dinner, you won't be eating." He spoke harshly before dismissing them, except for Nathalie.

The bodyguard sure wasn't pleased with this. So, he took his anger out on anything in his path. Unfortunately that seemed to be Adrien. With a low grumble, he grabbed Adrien roughly again and dragged him up the stairs and to the boy's room. Once they arrived, he rudely threw Adrien to the piano and collapsed on the bed with clear rage.

Adrien had never seen his guard act so hostile towards him. It was shocking, but he was too focused on the burning pains on his arm and leg from being shoved into the piano. Honestly he was quite terrified since there was no way he would be able to make this challenging song perfect. Especially since he never practiced it at all and rarely ever even played the piano.

He gulped, followed by a defeated sigh. There was nothing he could do. Patrolling would have to be cancelled, and he couldn't even see Marinette after! Well unless he escaped. He could escape, just make a break for it and sprint off.

However, that would just make his bodyguard even more angry. Adrien was terrified at that. So, he decided to work as hard as possible to succeed quickly. He sat at the piano and placed his sheet music out. Now all he had to do was learn the song and make it perfect for his father to listen to.

Every time he would play the song and miss a note or do it incorrectly, his bodyguard would look more enraged then he did the last time. His bodyguard even growled and even slapped the back of his head once. It was insane, so Adrien made sure to try his very best.

Dinner passed by painfully slow, Adrien and his bodyguard's stomaches grumbled with hunger. Neither of them could eat, though. This just frustrated them both.

Adrien just played softly until his bodyguard fell asleep at some point on the bed. Perfect. Adrien smiled at that and took a breath of relief as he stopped playing and stood up from the piano seat. "Plagg, come here!" He whispered.

Soon enough, his little black cat kwami flew out to him. "What's up, Adrien? Got any cheese?" He asked hopefully.

This made Adrien laugh slightly. "You are cheese the entire time I played piano, and that's a long time. Anyway...", he spoke and cleared his throat, "Plagg, claws out!"

It was seconds until he transformed into Chat Noir. He glanced at the clock and noticed that Ladybug would be done patrolling by now. His eyes lowered and he sighed sadly. It was a long day, and he wanted to patrol because he loved running across the buildings during dusk. Oh well. At least he could see Marinette quicker, and that's exactly what Chat planned on doing.

{a/n: so how you guys liking it? hopefully very much because i am trying to update a lot and just publish the chapters already lol. anyway have a good day everyone!!}

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