5;; wonderful weather we're having

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{Third Person POV}

Everything was going smoothly in the morning for Marinette. She quickly arrived at school and as usual, Chloe was trying to kiss Adrien.

"Adrikins!! Didn't you miss me?? Well, who wouldn't, but I missed you!" She squealed and giggled.

Adrien laughed nervously and lightly pushed her away. "Gotta go, bye Chloe!" He dismissed her and sprinted into the school building.

Marinette simply chuckled lightly and found her way into the classroom. She sat by herself, seeing as Alya was sitting with Nino behind her, their hands intertwined. Not long after, Adrien came and saw Alya in his seat so he sat with Marinette and smiled at her. She wished they could've stayed like that the whole class period.

Unfortunately for her, an akuma had just spoiled that plan. Marinette mentally cursed as she watched everyone scatter and frantically run away in all different directions. Apparently the new akuma's powers were able to control the weather, so rain flooded the classrooms.

Once Marinette was alone, Tikki flew out of her bag and smiled. "Ready, Marinette?" She asked politely.

Marinette nodded. "Tikki, spots on!" She ordered and soon transformed into Ladybug. It was only a matter of time before Chat Noir dropped down in front of her with a cheeky grin. "Good morning, my lady. Purrfect weather we're having, wouldn't you say?" He greeted her.

Ladybug laughed at his cat pun. "I thought you weren't fond of water, my silly kitty." She teased.

Before Chat could answer, they were interrupted by the akuma victim sending strong gusts of wind towards them. "Give me your miraculous! Then I'll consider giving you a sunny day." The victim spoke angrily.

Chat Noir grabbed Ladybug and extended his baton to the now broken roof of the school, where the two heros stood. Ladybug smiled at him. "Thanks, Chat." She whispered kindly.

The akumatized human growled and brewed a mini tornado to launch at them. "Fine! We'll do this the hard way. Looks like the weather forecast for you two isn't looking to bright." They yelled.

This time, it was Ladybug who strung her yo-yo string across to the other side of the broken roof and swung her and Chat Noir over there. It wasn't long before she had a plan.

"Lucky Charm!" She said, throwing her yo-yo in the air. A grappling hook appeared and dropped into her hands. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, before she came up with a plan. She gasped a bit and called Chat's attention.

The black cat turned to her. "What's the plan?" He asked.

Ladybug smiled, "You need to get them to focus all their power and energy on one thing, get them to the other side of the roof. While you do that, I'll come from behind them on the other side of the broken roof and use the grappling hook to get their weather belt. It looks like that's where the akuma is. Do you understand?" She asked after explaining the situation.

Chat Noir nodded. "Got it. Be careful, bugaboo. I'll see you soon." He promised before placing a kiss on her forehead and leaping over to the other side of the roof. "Hey there! Sorry to to rain on your parade but this weather certainly isn't the cat's meow." He called out and grabbed the akuma victim's attention. They narrowed their eyes and threw various troubles Chat's way.

A hurricane followed by wind and hail, all flying towards him. Chat leaped and ducked, dodging the attacks to the best of his ability to keep his lady safe. He'd sacrifice it all for her, but another girl crossed his mind. He wondered if Marinette would be alright during all this destruction. The thought worried him but for right now he had to get the akumatized person to focus on him.

Ladybug took the grappling hook and narrowed her eyes before getting hit with a stray gust of harsh wind. Within the wind was rubbish from the destroyed parts of the school building. Somewhere in the wind was a sharp object and it lashed at her arm, slicing a cut. She gasped and stumbled.

The sight of his bugaboo getting hurt caused him to hiss. Although he knew he still had to distract the terrifying akuma victim before he helped her. Besides, she was strong. "Come get me!! Bet you can't catch this sly cat!" He taunted, draining the weather bearer of their power.

Even though she felt the cut on her arm bleeding, Ladybug remained on task. She tossed the grappling hook and thankfully caught the belt. Her eyes lit up before she used her strength to rip it off the akumatized human. They surely were angry, but Ladybug snapped the belt and watched the darkened butterfly exit.

Ladybug sighed with relief and launched her yo-yo into the air, catching the velvety butterfly. "No more evil doing for you, little akuma." She said softly and brought the yo-yo back down to her. When she opened the yo-yo, the butterfly was now lighter and it flew out into the air. Although the job wasn't completely done yet.

She threw her lucky charm into the air as well. "Miraculous Ladybug!" She exclaimed. All the damage done had been erased with that, and the akuma victim was back to being a normal person.

Chat Noir rushed to his partner. "Are you alright? Where were you hurt?" He asked in a panic, putting his hands on her cheeks. She smiled and shook her head. "I'm alright. Just a scratch on my arm, don't worry about it. Are you okay?" She returner the question. Even though Chat told Marinette about his injuries from home, Ladybug still worried and it didn't matter if he didn't tell her, she just need to know if he'd be okay.

He nodded. "Yes, I'm pawsome, my lady." He replied with his usual cat pun. This earned him a soft giggly from Ladybug.

"Well I'll see you later on patrol. Bye now, my silly kitty." Ladybug dismissed herself and placed a light kiss on his cheek.

Chat Noir blushed furiously as he watched his bugaboo disappear somewhere. He lightly brought his claws up to brush over his cheek,
"She called me her silly kitty."

{a/n: hiya! i worked kinda hard on this to bring you guys some action. watch out for the next chapter though because marichat will make a return!!}

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