8;; Breaking Point

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{ Third Person POV }

The silhouette of her slim figure was still. Marinette was out simply running around Paris as Ladybug to clear her clouded mind. Chat Noir captured her gaze and she undid her transformation to get a closer look. The sad blonde was definitely her Chat Noir. Pain laced her countenance as she saw the smoke flow from his lips.

He felt the sudden presence behind him. It didn't feel threatening, though. It was familiar and reminded him of warmth. Chat snapped his head around to meet eyes with a petite frame. Marinette. Seeing the ache written across her features caused him to stand.

Marinette didn't make a move. She kept still. Chat dropped his cigarette, putting it out with his black boot. "Why?" She mumbled. It was quiet, but he heard her. The blonde stepped toward her.

"It's just once. It's not like I'm addicted." He replied with a shrug. Although seeing her upset was horribly painful to him, he didn't answer her question. He couldn't. His gloved hand extended to her, but she backed away from it.

Her arms folded. "You didn't answer my question." She spoke, a bit demandingly. A grunt erupted from Chat and he narrowed his eyes.

The blonde exhaled heavily. "Why do you care so much?" He asked, his voice raising. The sudden change in his tone was enough for her to advert her glance to the ground. Not even she knew the answer to his question.

Between the two was tension and silence. Marinette didn't dare to speak up. Chat wasn't really angry at her, it was all just emotion that was built up. "Answer me, Marinette. Why do you care so much?" He asked again.

Marinette inhaled sharply and glared at him. "I don't know, Chat! Maybe it's because you randomly just come to my house one day acting all cute and being sweet. Maybe that visit opened my eyes and I saw something in you. Then after that you've been on my mind ever since! So maybe I care about you, Chat. Maybe I don't want you to ever be upset or get hurt because I am completely infatuated with you." She ranted endlessly. Her voice now matched his tone.

The words spewed from her lips. Neither of them expected her to burst like that. Chat was shocked. "Angel..." he began, all words lost.

It was clear she was distressed. "No. You don't get to call me that. I was worried for you and I didn't want you to smoke because that stuff kills you! I still don't want you to smoke. Even though you snapped at me and got angry for no reason. So I'm sorry for asking, but I'm not sorry for caring. If you don't want me to care then maybe you should just stop coming to my door at night." She spoke out rapidly.

Venom laced her words, although there was pain carved in them as well. It was evident in her glossy azure eyes. Speaking to Chat Noir like that stung, but she spoke her mind. Even if it meant that Chat stood across from her in silence. Agony etched his face. She now realized how much she meant to him and how much he meant to her. It was insane. Marinette couldn't fall for him. It just couldn't happen and she needed to stop it.

Marinette trembled as a tear fell from her eye. Her gaze met his once more. One last time. 'It's not healthy for you. It's going to hurt you'. She tried to justify her choice. Everything in her begged her to stay. It just wasn't smart. She couldn't.

The decision was made. Marinette turned and climbed down the building. When her feet hit the concrete she sprinted towards the bakery. Her legs carried her as fast as they could go. She didn't stop until she rapidly entered the bakery and locked the door behind her. Tears clouded her vision and she covered her mouth with her hand to silence her sobs.

Chat Noir was still. His jade green eyes grew glassy and pooled with tears. The one person who actually cared just left him. He let her go. His head ached as he dropped to his knees. Now he had nobody. Once bright emerald eyes now lifeless yet again. The only thing he did was reach for another cigarette.

Marinette wasn't sure how all these emotions and connections happened so quickly. She was sure that she loved Adrien. The entire situation was baffling to her. How did Chat Noir manage to touch her heart so quickly? It was strange. In a way, she was angered at herself. It seemed to naive of her to allow someone to just walk into her life the way he did. Yet she encouraged it. She enjoyed it. She even would go as far as to say that she adored it, even though she wished over and over again that she didn't feel anything at all towards the black cat.

A cough erupted from Chat's throat after a puff. He decided that would be his last one. It was dumb of him to even want to try such a thing. The tears were splotched down his cheeks from under his mask. He hurt her. Accepting the fact that he was the one to cause someone so magnificent such pain had ripped him apart. That wasn't his goal. He didn't want to do that. Marinette was his angel. How could he lose his angel? Everything he had done leading up to the fight was regretted instantly. There was nothing he could do to take it back, although there was a glimmer of hope shining through his racing mind. He couldn't erase what had just happened, but he could fix things. It seemed as though his Marinette wanted nothing to do with him but why would he let that stop him. He wanted her and he was going to work to have her back in his arms. Where she belonged.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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