6;; a purrfect visit

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{ Third Person POV}

After the harsh akuma attack and long day, Marinette trudged home. Her parents had made her dinner since they wouldn't be home until Monday. Seeing as today was Thursday, she'd be by herself for a bit. However she understood that sometimes their baking skills were needed elsewhere.

A sigh escaped her lips as she'd have to patrol soon. Although her arm still killed her, so she wanted to just finish the patrol early instead of staying up late leaping across buildings. She transformed into Ladybug and called Chat Noir.

The call buzzed once...then twice. On the third ring she finally got an answer. Chat gave her a smile. "Just couldn't wait to see me again, could you my lady?" He asked and wriggled his eyebrows with a laugh.

Ladybug laughed and nodded. "Sure Chat. I just don't want to spend the night patrolling the city with my scratch, it started to hurt so I wrapped it up but I'd rather patrol now if you can." She explained.

The black cat understood. "Okay bugaboo. I'll see you soon!" He promised before flashing her a smirk and ending the call. Ladybug's lips curled into a smile as she thought of her silly kitty. She left her room through the balcony and cringed slightly when she had to hop over buildings, still feeling slightly beat up from their battle earlier.

Chat Noir bounded swiftly through the air. He was always willing to see his lady, but he was also itching to see Marinette again later that night. It was crazy and he hated that he was falling for two people, but Plagg told him that it'd work out better than he thinks.

Once Ladybug had saw Chat, she waved at him. "Hi there, are you ready to start patrolling?" She asked. Chat sprinted over to her and nodded. "Of course. I'll see you in a bit." He replied with his signature smirk. Before he went to patrol his side, he pulled her in for a hug and lifted her injured arm to his lips. Chat pressed his lips against her cut and winked. "Take it easy out there. I'll see you tomorrow night." He spoke gently, then disappearing off into the dark distance.

< after the patrol >

Ladybug had finished patrolling and bolted to her terrace back at home. She slipped into her room and detransformed with a yawn, falling onto her bed.

Chat Noir knew that if his bodyguard ever caught him out during the dead hours of the night, he was sure to get in deep trouble. He never wanted to experience whatever pain that meant.

Even with that risk, he still needed to see Marinette. Sure he saw her at school, but that was always as Adrien. Being Chat gave him more confidence though. He also just enjoyed seeing her as Chat.

The black cat crept rapidly over to the bakery. He lifted his gloved hand to knock, but she wasn't there. A pout crossed his lips. A light shone from the floor above, however. It must've been from her room. A devious grin replaced the pout and he leapt up to her terrace.

Just as he expected, the light came from her room. Chat tapped the door to let her know he was there. Marinette's head snapped towards him, smiling when she saw him. She stood from her bed and opened the door to let him in.

He entered and shut the door behind him, gazing down at her. "Good evening, princess. How are you tonight?" He asked charmingly. Marinette shrugged, "I'm alright. I'm glad you're here though. How have you been?" She returned the question kindly, lifting her hand to trace the muscles of his shoulder through his suit.

-Mild sexual content here (not smut)-

Chat purred and lightly grazed his claw over the side of her neck. He was careful not to hurt her. "I'm better now that I'm with you, love." He whispered seductively.

At the contact of his claws with her neck, she parted her lips slightly. "Chat..." She stammered, not being able to find words. He removed his hand from her neck and brought a single finger to her lips, "Shh, Marinette. I don't know why but these past few nights have really been making me itch to see you. I've missed you." He spoke lowly.

Jade green eyes that were once playful now held lust. Chat even surprised himself with this sudden pulse of dominance, but he wouldn't give it up. Instead, he gave in.

Marinette was silent after that, her lips still parted and her eyes filling with want. Chat couldn't hold himself back anymore. He leaned down to connect his lips with her passionately. This shocked Marinette, but she kissed back willingly.

One of his arms snaked around her waist to pull her closer to his body. The other arm was brought the her chin. He disconnected his lips with hers just to lift her chin and look hungrily at her neck. She seemed to notice because she took her own fingers and brushed them over his lips. "No, Chat. Not tonight. We need to take it easy." She mumbled out breathlessly.

Even though he wanted so badly to attack her neck and cover it with love marks, he resisted the urge since she told him to. "If you say so, angel." He spoke and caught her lips with his again. Sparks flew throughout Marinette's body. Electricity burning through her lips and fire radiating off her skin.

Marinette felt Chat's lips turn upward into a smirk before he spun her around and lightly pushed her back slightly. She bumped into her desk, but Chat used this to his advantage. He lifted her thin frame and placed her on the desk. As if to have her own turn at teasing, she wrapped her legs loosely around his waist.

-Mild sexual content ended-

A low purr erupted from his throat and he deepened the kiss, but Marinette put up her hand to disconnect the kiss. Although she would also love to continue wherever this was going, she knew that school tomorrow and other responsibilities to attend to. "Goodnight, Chat." She smiled sheepishly and dropped her legs.

Chat's mouth hung open. "Angel, it's not very nice of you to leave me like that." He pouted. Marinette laughed as she hopped down from the desk and walked to the doors that lead to her terrace. She opened them and gestured outside. "I would really like to pick up on this maybe some other time, but it's enough for tonight. I'll see you soon, you naughty cat. Have a good night." She dismissed him softly.

The breeze from outside swept in and swirled throughout her room. Chat sighed and grabbed her hips once more, "Goodnight then, princess." He smiled lazily and placed one last kiss on her lips before stepping out of her room. He swung himself onto the roof, and just like that, he was gone into the dark night sky.

{a/n: i hope you guys didn't mind the mild sexual content there!! maybe if that was alright then there would be more? im not saying smut as i probably wont be able to write that but if you have any suggestions then please let me know! okay guys that's it hehe byeeeee :)}

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