Chapter One: You're Mine

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I ran into the darkness of the woods, out of breath. Branches and twigs covered my arms in scratches along with blood. I looked back at the pure black night, thinking what had I got my self into.

I ran around the corner and tripped over a log, falling face first in a dry ditch.

I groaned in agony as pain struck my ankle.

"ah shi--" I covered my mouth.

"you hear that" a voice said.

"no..." another voice spoke.

"damn, boss is gonna be mad at us" I froze, realizing who they were.

"Hunter, chill, we'll find her"

"Shane how the hell did we let a human out run us?"

A human?

"we had a pretty big lunch--"

"yeah that she cooked--" Shane started

"maybe something was in it effected us... you don't think she tried to poison us?" Hunter asked

"bro it doesn't even matter, it isn't even that serious" Shane laughed.

"Shane this is serious" Hunter growled

"bro we'll start looking in the morning let's just go" and they walked off. I sat there for atleast ten minutes to be sure they were gone.

"ugh!!" my ankle throbbed with pain.

"need some help?" someone asked. I gasped.

"how long have you been watching me?"

"I saved you" he said getting up from the tree stump he was sitting on.


"they would have gotten your scent"

"my what?"

He looked at me confused "umm let's just get that ankle checked out"

He picked me up bridal style and we walked through a couple of bushes, until we came up to a big house. I can't believe I'm going to a strangers house.

It was two stories; the out side was decorated with dim lights and a lot of equally trimmed bushes.

"nice house"

"you like?"

He opened the door, to a huge living room. A large TV was nailed on the wall, with a long semi-cirlce sofa surrounding it. We walked pass the kitchen, it have a marble counter, a large refrigerator/freezer and a microwave that hovered above the stove.

He laided me on the table.

"you live here alone?" I questioned.

"no, I live here with my brother and some of my friends."

"really?" I asked as he came back over with some bandages and began to wrap my ankle up.

"yeah, but its really just me and my brother-- some of my friends basically live here, they have rooms" he laughed.

"What's your name? Because I'm a litle skeptical considering your a complete stranger. Are you gonna like kill me or something?" I asked him.

"never that, but the name is Hayes?" he asked getting two cups down.

"that's cute" I smiled. He handed me a cup of lemonade.

"you're cute" he grinned "what's your name?


"that's like a spanish name?"

I laughed "my mom is white and Puerto Rican and my dad is white"

"awww, thats cute" he mocked me

I rolled my eyes playfully.

"enough of questions about me the main question is why were you in the forest by yourself?" he questioned taking a sip of his lemonade.

"I was running from--"

"hold up I have to take this..." He left out the room.

Once he came back, he had some small boxer shorts and a T-shirt "here you go"

"what's this for?"

"so you can get cleaned up"

"I kinda... need a bra..." that was very awkward to ask.

"okay I got you" he chuckled, he went around the corner and came back with a Victoria Secret bag.

"why do you have that?" I asked slowly getting off the table.

"My cousin was recently here" he shrugged, "be careful" he said helping me steady my balance

"here, I'll help you to the bathroom" he put my arm around his shoulder and his arm firmly on my waist.

"thanks Hayes" I said

"no problem Mari-- do you need me to help you with something else?" he smirked

"I got it" I shook my head.

After I got out the shower I limped out the bathroom, surprisingly everything fit... Quite weird actually.

"hey Marianna" a boy said walking pass eating a banana, before I could say anything he entered a room. I dropped my clothes in the washing machine and started it.

"umm Hayes who was--"

"my brother, Nash"

"oh alright..."

"umm you can sleep in the guess room"

"okay.." I trailed off.

"unless you want to sleep on the couch" he smirked "or you know... in my bed"

"haha very funny" I pulled his arm to help take some pressure off my ankle "show me where to sleep, I'm tired"

I held onto his torso as we walked down the hallway.

"Here you go"

"thank you Hayes"

"no problem, good night Mari"

As soon as I laid my head down its as if I fell asleep.

Ever felt like you were being watched? My every move i made while I was asleep I could feel as if someone was watching me.

They leaned toward my ear and whispered

"you're mine... forever"


~Kayla G

Comment, vote, and share with other Hayes lovers!!❤

And I've also can to the conclusion that I will never be any other kind of writer, all I write is fanfics ❤

Plain and Simple

All Rights Reserved wonderful_Kayla ©

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