Chapter 3

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Harper walked into the office the next morning, and the first thing she saw was Manny walking down the hall towards her with a goofy smile on his face.

"What's going on?" she asked as she passed him.

"Meeting's been canceled!" he crowed as he passed her by without stopping.

Frowning, she set her satchel down on her desk and wandered back into the hallway to figure out what was happening. She noticed a lot of people in her father's office so she stuck her head in the door looking around. She wasn't noticed at first as she took in the sight of Possum, Kendra, and Stephanie, another intern, lounging around on the chairs while Trudy and her father hovered over his computer. They were staring intently at something and the others appeared to be waiting to hear what was found.

Luke walked up behind her, slurping noisily on his coffee, and she shot him an aggravated glance, sure that he had done it on purpose since he was right by her ear.

"What's going on?" he whispered into her ear, his warm breath tickling a hair that had come loose from her bun causing goosebumps to rise on her neck. It must be the change in temperature, that must also be why she was aware of the heat radiating off his body behind her. What she couldn't explain was why he suddenly smelled so good.

She ignored the feelings just as she had ignored the dreams she had had about him the night before. The ones where he had kissed her. If she ignored them both they would go away soon enough. At least she hoped they would because they were making her feel totally awkward around him.

"I don't know, but the meeting has been canceled," she whispered back, and when he bent down to hear her she swore she felt his rough cheek against hers as she spoke.

She watched him frown just like she had at the news while he watched as a disappointed expression covered Trudy's face. "Nope, no luck!" She sighed as she pushed away from her father's desk

Luke sipped his coffee again and the movement caught Trudy's attention, making her jump when she noted them both standing in the doorway watching them. Harper would have been amused by all of the guilty looks that turned their way if she didn't have the sudden suspicion that something underhanded was going on behind her back.

"Dad? I heard the meeting was canceled?"

"No, not canceled, moved to this afternoon at four," he explained, all business.

"Are you having computer problems?" Luke asked, sounding unconcerned by the scene they had just witnessed.

"Yes, Trudy set-up a new system and we're not getting the results that we wanted," he explained as he typed something on his keyboard. "Everyone back to work!" He pulled out his chair. "Time is money!" Everyone in the office but Harper and Luke helped him finish the sentence.

"Hey, Luke!" Kendra bounced over to him. "Do you need help with anything today?" she asked hopefully.

He grinned at her. "Nope, not today." He looked over at Harper out of the corner of his eye. "I have to help someone else today," he whispered, letting everyone watching know that he was talking about Harper, that she was the one that needed his help.

It was something he had done many times before, and it had never bothered her before. Generally, she rolled her eyes and walked away, but this time it irritated her so she turned abruptly on her heel and walked back towards her office, her shoulders stiff with resentment.

Luke winked at Kendra before following Harper. When she pushed through the door she saw a cup from the local coffee shop sitting in the middle of her desk and she growled in frustration as she removed her satchel from the top of her desk and slammed it onto her chair.

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