Chapter 5

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Luke watched Harper as she navigated the steep pitch of the roof in order to check on a detail of a dormer window. She walked it like a pro, and she was deep in conversation with one of the carpenters as they discussed the best way to approach a difficult situation and still make sure that the window would meet code compliance.

"Never thought I would see the day," Dicky Pacer said as he sidled up next to Luke and followed his gaze towards Harper, who had already begun her descent down the ladder. "Not that she isn't a pretty little thing, I especially like the way she fills out those tight pants of hers, but that's about all she's good for on a work site. I sure am glad that you're gonna be taking over for her."

Luke bit back the words he really wanted to say, he had to remain professional even though the man standing next to him needed to be punched in the face. If this was what Harper had been dealing with over the last few months, it was no wonder why she was eager for him to take over the job for her.

The fact of the matter was that Harper was very good at her job, she knew it better than most men he knew, but she always sold herself short, and he had never been able to figure out why.  He had been taken aback earlier when she had said that she would like to be somebody else if only for a little while. Was that the way she truly felt? Had he, as well as everyone else in her life, been letting her down all of these years?

"I hope that you'll see this job out until it's complete, even when the little girl comes back from her vacation," Pacer said as his eyes followed Harper down the ladder.

"I'm sure it can be arranged," Luke agreed, glad that he would have a reason to continue with the job until it was finished. There was no way he wanted Harper around the guy again, and he would be damn sure that if Pacer asked them to bid on another job they would decline.

Harper walked over to them with a smile on her face that seemed a bit forced, as if she knew that they had been talking about her.

"Did you get it all worked out?" Luke asked as she joined them.

"Sure, Al will trim the window a little bit higher, and that will take care of the problem with the flashing."

"You'll have a look at that next time you're here, won't you Luke?" Pacer asked, turning his back to Harper.

"Sure Dick," Luke drawled out his name, almost making it an insult. Harper caught it and she looked away to conceal her smile. "I'll make sure that Harper's instructions were followed to the letter next time I'm here."

He reached for Harper and placed his hand in the small of her back. "I hope you don't mind, but we have one more stop to make before a company meeting this afternoon and were running short on time."

"Not at all," Pacer held out his hand towards Luke, "I'm looking forward to working with you Luke."

Luke nodded as he took his hand.

"You be sure to have fun on your vacation kiddo, I hope you don't get into too much trouble." Pacer winked at her before walking away, and Luke could see the relief that stole across Harper's face at his retreating back.

"What an ass," Luke grumbled as he placed his hand once more in the small of Harper's back and steered her towards the truck.

"Yep, he's a real Dick, isn't he!" Harper laughed at her own joke and Luke grinned, glad that she was happy once more.

"You'll be glad to hear that he has asked me to stay on even after your return from your vacation, and I told him that it could probably be arranged."

Luke walked to his side of the truck while Harper walked to hers. "I should be insulted, but all I am is relieved. Thanks Luke, I owe you one." Her soft brown eyes met his across the cab of the truck as they climbed in and he had to guard himself from falling into them.

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