Chapter 20

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Harper and Emmeline were sitting at the table in their suite playing cards, with the remnants of room service scattered around them. They had spent the day traipsing all over Paris and were pleasantly exhausted.

Luke and Harper had been taking it slow all week, they had taken the moments they could, when Gran was asleep or wanting a night in, and spent them together, walking, talking, holding hands, and getting to know each other.

It was odd to relearn someone she thought she had known her entire life, but she realized that there was so little that she truly knew about Luke. She knew he had gone to school for engineering but his first love was architecture, and he had often thought about going back for another degree. He also had plans for the family business when their fathers retired. He wanted to expand the company to be more than just a construction firm, he wanted it to be all inclusive with engineering, architecture, construction, and interior design as part of the package. It was ambitious, and after listening to him she had little doubt that it would happen.

She had also shared things with him, like her longing for a family and home of her own. Her love of drawing and fine wines. Her wants were much simpler than his but to share them was a huge step for her, she rarely shared them with anyone.

There had also been plenty of kissing but so far that was as far as it had gone. It was unspoken between them that to take it any further would change everything for them, but not only them, their families as well. It was something that they were both treading softly around.

Now, Harper sat with Gran, watching her win yet another hand of Rummy while Luke was changing for his dinner with a friend who was in Pairs on business. Harper had never heard of this particular friend, Bobby, before, but Luke said that he was an old friend from his college days that he hadn't seen in years and they had a lot to catch up on. Bobby did something important for the government and FEMA and Luke was interested to hear the recent changes in certain Federal regulations.

There was a knock at the door and Harper rushed to get it, only too glad to get away from yet another loosing hand of cards. Gran was a graceless winner and an even worse looser, and she jeered at Harper as she rushed away from the table.

This caused Harper to laugh, and she was smiling as she opened the door to one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen. She was tall and slender with legs that were showcased in a very short skirt and very high heels. Her long blond hair was caught back into a sleeked back high ponytail and her cheekbones looked like she cold cut someone with them.

Harper must have been staring because the smile faded from the woman's face as she looked over Harper's shoulder. "Is Luke here, I do have the right room?" Even her voice was sexy.

"Bobby, is that you my dear?" Gran said from the other side of the room. "Come here and give and old lady a kiss," she insisted.

Harper had no choice but to stand aside and let the woman slide past her. This was Bobby? This Bobby was no man! Harper crossed her arms defensively as she watched the woman cross the room and greet Emmeline.

"Emmeline, how are you?"

"I'm fine my dear, please sit. Harper would you go let Luke know his date is here," she instructed her.

Bobby's head turned sharply and she looked at Harper, taking in her appearance from head to toe. "This is Harper?" she seemed very curious.

"And you're Bobby," Harper said, barley able to contain her anger.

"Yes, this is our Harper," Gran said with a tender smile before shooing Harper in the direction of Luke's room.

Harper walked over to his door and banged on it. "Luke, your Bobby is here!" she yelled through the door using Grans possessive word before she walked over to a chair in the corner and sat. She never once took her eyes of Bobby who sat across from Gran.

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