Chapter 4

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They had spent the morning reviewing each other's projects then they broke for lunch. Luke had invited her to grab a burger, but she had brought her lunch so she declined, glad of the reprieve. The entire morning she had been overly aware of his every move. Normally, the brush of his arm or his standing close behind her wouldn't have mattered, but since the idea of his kissing her was now implanted in her head she was unable to think of anything else.

An hour later he was back, and Harper could hear his voice as he laughed at something that someone said to him in greeting. She gulped the rest of her water then pushed the remnants of her lunch into the trash before reaching for her phone and satchel. This time she wouldn't keep him waiting, she wanted to get this done and be rid of Mr. Pacer once and for all. She took one last look around the office as she walked towards the door and right into a solid wall of chest, bouncing backwards from the force of the contact.

"I guess there's no need to ask if your ready to go," Luke joked as he took in her flushed appearance. Hopefully, he thought it was because she had been rushing. She didn't want to admit, even to herself, that it was the shock of having touched his very solid chest. It had only been an instant but it was long enough to feel the massive wall of muscle under her hand.

"I'm ready," she agreed as she walked past him towards the exit.

"Where's the fire?" he asked with an amused tone.

"I want to get this over with before you change your mind." She kept right on walking, not turning around, forcing him to follow her.

After they cleared the door, he placed his hand on her shoulder stopping her. When she still refused to turn and look at him he walked around to stand in front of her, taking her chin in his hand, forcing her to look up at him.

She told herself that she had allowed him to do it only because she would have looked ridiculous fighting him.

Luke looked around them, making sure no one could hear them.

"What's going on?" His serious expression gave nothing away and Harper's heart skipped, fearing that he had realized why she was acting so weird around him all of the sudden. That she had developed a sudden and unexplained attraction towards him.

"I don't know what you mean, there is nothing wrong," she insisted, doing her best to meet his eyes without blushing.

"Is there something going on with Pacer, has he said or done something inappropriate?"

Harper snorted, relieved that he was talking about Pacer. "It would be easier to recount the times he hasn't said or done something inappropriate."

Luke dropped his hand from her chin, and she watched the muscle in his jaw jump in anger at the thought.

"I appreciate your concern Luke, but it's a little late to start worrying about men behaving inappropriately around me, I grew up on constructions sites, remember? Granted, it's not nearly as bad as it used to be, especially since I'm the boss now, but it's still there. It's just hidden better. In Pacer's case, he is part of that good ole' boy network, and he has no intention of hiding his feelings about women on a construction site."

Harper watched Luke's jaw flex a few more times and she patted his arm, amused that she was the one having to reassure him. "Am I driving?" she asked hopefully, not realizing that her hand was still on his arm and she could feel his muscle playing beneath his shirt as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his keys.

"No, you have to change the radio back, remember?"

She dropped her hand with mock sigh, trying to detract from the awkward move.

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