Chapter 11

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Harper pulled up in front of Luke's house, taking her time to study it as she got out of her truck. The last time she had visited, looking around hadn't been foremost on her mind. It was a lovely house and it fit well into the landscape around it. It had a hip roof and a wide wrap around front porch that was screened in with the large floor to ceiling windows that were camouflaged by the screening which offered some privacy. She heard Lucky start to bark, announcing her arrival.

The large front steps led up to a double screen door that Luke was unlatching as she joined him at the top. She noted that he took the time to latch it back behind him as well.

"If I don't latch it Lucky will get out," he explained, adding one more item to the list of poor Lucky's sins.

Harper noted that he looked good, he was wearing a pair of faded blue jeans with a white button-down shirt that was untucked. He also didn't have any shoes on his feet. It had been a long time since she had seen a barefoot Luke.

"Gran, Harper's here!" he shouted as he closed the large front door behind him.

"Bring her here to see me, I can't be bothered to get up!" she shouted back.

Luke lead the way to the sunroom on the other side of the kitchen where his grandmother's voice had come from.

Emmeline Grayson sat in a chair by the widow, watching the sunset. When she saw Harper she held out her hands and Harper took them, leaning down to give her cheek a kiss.

"How are you Gran?" Harper asked as she sat on the love seat across from her. Emmeline wasn't her grandmother, but she had used the honorary title for as long as she could remember.

"I'm well my dear, how are you and all of your family?" she asked as took her time looking her over.

"They're doing good, they're planning to be at dinner on Sunday night, so you'll get to see them then"

"I'm glad to hear it. No Luke, don't go. I want to have my talk with you both right now. I'm old and I don't like to draw things out unnecessarily." She stopped Luke as he turned to leave the room.

Changing direction, he took a seat next to Harper and they both looked expectantly at Emmeline.

"I want you both to take me to Paris," she said abruptly.

Both Luke and Harper froze, totally confused by the request. Harper looked over at Luke who met her gaze with a shocked one of his own, and Harper could see that he was just as surprised by the request as she was.

"Why Gran?" he asked, turning his attention back towards Emmeline, but not before he let his gaze linger for a moment on Harper's lips.

"Because I have very fond memories of Paris from when I was a girl and I would like to revisit them before I die."


"No, Luke, it is inevitable. I'm old." Her gentle smile and kind green eyes soften her words. "I am as healthy as can be expected and I want to go now, while I feel able."

"Gran, you realize that it has all probably changed dramatically from when you were last there, and you might be disappointed when you find it hard to find your memories?

She nodded silently, thoughtful. "I have thought about that," she said eventually, "but there are some places that haven't changed in over one-hundred years. I'll find my memories there. But I don't speak the language very well and I know that you, Harper, are fluent from the time that you spent there with your father's family. I'll need help navigating certain things and Luke can help with that. Plus, if something should happen he'll be there to take charge."

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