Chapter 17

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When Harper awoke the next morning the sun was high in the sky and Luke was no longer next to her. She had a moment of hope that she had dreamed the kiss from the night before, but when she sat up she saw his shoes next to the bed she knew that it hadn't been a dream.

She fell back onto the bed with a silent groan. She had kissed him, there was no way around it. She had been having one of her dreams where he had kissed her and she had mistaken fiction for fact. She allowed herself a moment to remember the kiss and how wonderful it had been, shivering a little bit as she touched her lips at the memory. He had been so warm and welcoming, and even though she had been half asleep, she knew without a doubt that it was the best kiss of her life.

A few minutes later the smell of coffee drew her and she sat up, more aware of her aches and pains than she had been a few moments earlier when she still had the image of Luke kissing her in her mind's eye.

At least he had been kind about it and kissed her back before recovering her and telling her to go back to bed. She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and gave a little hiss as her arms took her weight. As she stood she caught sight of herself in the mirror and had to laugh at the way her hair looked like a poof ball. She attempted to tame it but her arms hurt too much so she left it as it was, after all, it was only Luke, and she had never been out to impress him before, why should she start now?

Following the smell, she approached the kitchen and Luke looked up from his phone giving her a welcoming smile. "Good morning," he greeted as he looked her over. "I like the new look."

Harper gave him a shy smile in return as the image of the kiss came back to haunt her once more. "It's the new look, all the kids are wearing it this way," she said as she moved towards the couch, sitting harder than she had intended.

"Would you like a cup of coffee, I just made some."

The old Harper would have given him a hard time about making himself at home, but the just been kissed Harper didn't for fear that she would get a traditional Luke response. It would probably be something about her having invited him in and then trying to seduce him, she cringed at the thought.

"That would be nice thank you," she said instead as she sunk back into the couch cushions.

When he brought her a cup, he also brought her a bottle of an over the counter painkillers, and he watched as she took a few of the tablets.

When that was done she sipped her coffee shooting him side glances as he moved around the kitchen. He was still dressed in what he had worn the day before and he was all wrinkled. He also had some scruff on his jaw that Harper found very attractive. She had always known that he was a handsome man because her girlfriends had never had a problem letting her know just how attractive he was, but she had never considered him sexy. Now, as she watched the natural and assured way he moved around her kitchen, she was aware of him as she never had been. She was seeing him as a man, not as the Luke who was one of her best friends.

Luke looked over at her and caught her watching him, and she couldn't suppress the blush that stole up her cheeks as she quickly looked away. She figured now was as good a time as any to talk about what had happened the night before. Just because she had all of these new feelings for Luke there was no reason to start acting weird around him. They had always been honest with each other and there was no reason that that should stop.

"Luke," she said before she cleared her throat.

"Harper," he said in return as he delivered her a plate of buttered toast. "You shouldn't have taken those pills on an empty stomach, you'll get sick."

She nodded and looked at the plate he had sat in front of her on the coffee table before he had sat next to the plate and across from her. He was entirely to close for comfort as his eyes met hers.

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