Chapter 28

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When Harper awoke the next morning, Luke's side of the bed was empty. Stretching, she reached for some clothes, throwing on whatever was handy before bundling up her hair in a very messy top-knot. Moving to the kitchen she noticed a fresh pot of coffee and poured herself a mug before trying to find Luke, who ended up being in the small plot of grass on the side of the house with the puppies and Lucky.

"Good morning beautiful," he said as she joined him.

Harper had a moment of panic that it would be odd between the two of them, but it wasn't, it felt natural as he dropped a light kiss on her lips then pulled her close by placing his arm around her shoulders. "My shirt looks good on you." He smiled.

"It was all I could find," Harper said as she looked down at the shirt that fell to her knees.

They watched the puppies scamper around the grass and Lucky, who would round them back up when the wander off to far.

"I have to give her credit, she's a good mama," Luke said as he sipped his coffee.

"It's a shame we can't keep them all," Harper sighed as she watched Tank plow through them like a bowling ball.

"Don't start, I'll keep the funny looking one and the harlot, but the others have to find homes of their own." Luke looked down at her sad face and shook his head before dropping a kiss on her nose. "I mean it."

"I know," Harper agreed. But she didn't let her disappointment keep her from enjoying the moment. The early morning sunshine, fresh brewed coffee, cute puppies, and the man she loved holding her close. Life didn't get much better.

"What are you going to do today while I'm hard at work?" Luke reached down and grabbed Tank who was heading right for them.

The simple question made it feel as if they had been in a relationship for years not just a day.

"I thought that I would call Rita and talk to her about the possibility of her helping. Then I wanted to start researching local wines. I don't suppose your up for a road trip this weekend? We could check out a few of the local wineries, I could put together an itinerary."

"A romantic getaway, it sounds perfect. You'd better be careful or I might get spoiled, first Paris and now a tour of wine country." He gave he a squeeze and Harper's heart leapt at the idea. "Don't set it up until Saturday morning though, we have a family dinner with Mark this Friday to welcome him home."

Harper tensed, and Luke felt it at he dropped another kiss on the top of her head.

"It's not optional Harper, you can choose not to forgive them, and I won't blame you a bit, but you can't avoid them. I won't let you. They're my family too."

The sound of a car made them both turn. Mindy was pulling into the driveway and Luke gave Harper another squeeze. "I don't think I've ever seen Mindy outside quite so early before," Luke said as he turned them to face her as she got out of the car.

Harper noticed that she looked hesitant as she closed the car door and watched them from across the open space.

"Good morning Mindy," Luke greeted, the humor having left his voice.

Mindy seemed to gather her courage and walked towards them. "Good morning," she greeted softly as she bent down to pet a puppy.

"Would you like one, we have plenty that need good homes," Luke offered, never one to lose an opportunity.

"I'm sorry, my apartment doesn't allow pets," she said without looking at them as she focused on the puppies.

"That's a shame," Luke said as he whistled for Lucky and picked up the squirming pups, placing them in a large plastic bin. "Harper, you bring Tank when your done," he said as between him and Lucky they managed to herd the wiggling masses up the stairs, even when one tried to make a break for it over the side of the bin.

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