how he wakes you up

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He literally drags you out of bed. He'll try shaking you first but if that doesn't work he'll pull the covers off of you and pull you until you fall off the bed. Sometimes you go back to sleep on the floor just to annoy him.

He kisses you until you eventually wake up. It always works but if it doesn't, which is rare he lets you sleep if there's nothing important going on that day.

He pours water on you. You never get out of bed so it forces him to pour water on you causing you to jump up since it's freezing cold. You hate it but you know if he doesn't do it you would never get out of bed.

He throws pillows at you. It's hard to get you to wake up so he constantly hits you with his pillow until you wake up.

He shakes you. You're a very light sleeper so him even touching you makes you move around. On the rare occasion it doesn't work he lets you sleep.

You're the one having to wake him up since you're always up before him. You jump on him though which wakes him up instantly.

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