dating stefan salvatore would include ...

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— him being a complete gentleman

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— him being a complete gentleman.
— him telling you about being a vampire because he didn't want to keep secrets from you.
— telling each other everything.
— damon loving you like a sister.
— you practically live at the salvatore boarding house.
— him always keeping you from danger.
— you never listen to him and always want to help.
— him being the first one to say 'I love you'.
— him being very protective.
— you being jealous of elena even thought he's told you over a thousand times he's over her.
— you help him control his bloodlust.
— the two of you always being there for each other.
— you're the only person that can get him to turn his humanity switch back on.
— always holding hands.
— cuddles. lots of cuddles.
— whenever you're sad he gives you some space until you're ready to talk.
— him always listening to you when you need to talk about anything.
— him doing everything in his power to keep Klaus and Rebekah away from you.
— sex. obviously just look at him.
— him being adorable all the time.
— arguments are very rare between you two but when they do happen they don't last long.
— you're always hugging.
— him cooking for you all the time.
— both of you knowing you're going to be together forever.

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