Saving old, creating new

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James had taken enough control over himself for the day. He stood there fidgeting impatiently and waited as to when the other two boys will leave Lily alone. As soon as Severus left the place, James jumped in front of the girl.

“Hello Evans, how’s your day going?” he asked grinning from ear to ear.
Lily jumped in surprise. When she saw that it was only the annoying bully, she rolled her eyes boringly.

“What do you want, Potter?” she said checking her nails.

“As always, just to talk to you.” James said smirking.

Lily eyed the boy in front of him carefully; and her gaze shifted to the whole lot of group. She narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

“Remus, were you the people who had beaten up the Slytherin guy so badly?” she asked looking at Remus.

Remus made a face. “What; absolutely not! Why would we beat someone up so badly?” he said bewildered.

“Evans, we may try to have a bit of fun with Snivellus, but we are not hooligans like the Slytherin, that we’ll beat someone up so badly.” James said rolling his eyes.

“Slytherin Potter was beaten up by his own house mate. We suspect that he is out casted because of talking to us openly; though he wasn’t at all trying to be friendly with us.” Sirius said in a nonchalant tone.

Lily rolled her eyes, yet again. “I would be amazed if he actually tried to be friendly with you all. And when the hell are you all going to come off of your prejudices? All Slytherins are not bad; there are exceptions in every group. Like Severus and—that boy.” She made a face as she realized that she had forgotten to ask him his name.

James’s lips twitched to his sides at the praise of the boy. “Evans, try making Gryffindor friends. It’ll be easier for you.” he said in a heavy tone.

Lily raised her eyebrows at his tone. “Yeah; and whom should I choose from Gryffindor to be my friend?” she asked eyeing him.

James grinned ear to ear again. “Me—us, we can be your friends; like best friends.” he said grinning.

Lily nodded sarcastically. “Yeah right; and then I think I should jump from the Astronomy Tower in shame of your actions.” She said waving her hand dismissively.

“Come off it, James,” Remus said putting a hand on a pouting James’s back.

Lily sighed. “I have classes to attend, so bye.” She said before walking away.

Harry was lying on his bed in a fitful position. His whole body was paining from the beating of the day before. He couldn’t go to the Hospital as he didn’t want anybody to see his wrecked body by the Dursley’s. He didn’t have time and energy to make up new stories in order to back up his scars. So he chose to skip breakfast for today and take an extra hour of rest.

As he got up after half an hour to get ready for his classes, he found it very difficult to move his legs. But he couldn’t miss classes as it may attract attention. As he had taken admission in fourth year to save him from the academic attention; so he could concentrate on his Horcrux hunting. So technically, he was a year elder than James in the current situation. He had tried finding more related information about horcruxes. But he didn’t find any other suspected murder that has occurred in the town lately. So he had settled on the idea that till now, Voldemort had managed to make only five Horcruxes. He had a suspicion that he would find the Gaunts ring in the shack in Little Hangleton itself. Dumbledore had once shown him the picture of the Shack and another cave. He was sure that the cave held another horcrux. He would have to make it faster as to avoid any more horcrux.

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