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Harry looked out of the window from the library. He stared at the greyish sky for a minute before his eyes went wide. It was a full moon night. Which meant Remus will face his transformation. He contemplated for a moment before checking whether there was anybody present or not, he changed into his eagle form and flew out of the open window. He soared in the air in the destination of Hogsmead, enjoying the wind, he always enjoyed. It was a pity that he didn't have his Firebolt with him right now. After flying for fifteen minute, he saw the tip of the battered and old building; The Shrieking Shack. He flew and sat at the top of the building. He remembered Remus telling him that shouts could be heard from outside the shack when he transformed. But it was silent. He flew in through an open window. He waited for the Marauders in the room.

Sirius, James and Peter, all in their animagus form, entered the shrieking shack though the tunnel under the Womping Willow, along with Remus. As they entered the room, they saw a large white eagle curled up on the bed with its head under its wing. They looked at each other as though communicating through their eyes. Remus being in his human form till now, reached the bird and stroked its head; making the bird jump in astonishment.

"Sorry, sorry..." he said smiling at the bird.

The bird calmed down at once and nipped his fingers affectionately.

"What are you doing here? I didn't see you here before?" Remus asked as though conversing with the bird.

Suddenly the large bird spread its wings and flew in front of Remus. As though hugging, it flapped the wings around Remus's neck and flew back to his shoulder. Remus giggled in amazement.

"Did it just hug me?" he asked looking at Padfoot. Padfoot barked happily and Prongs grunted in agreement.

The eagle flew and sat on Padfoot's head and gave a happy caw. It looked triumphantly around it.

A squeaking sound attracted its attention. It looked down from Padfoot's head and saw the rat looking up at it with shining black eyes. Instinctively, it picked up the rat and flew to the top of the room.

"Hey, put him down!" Remus shouted. The bird tilted his head as though confused. Suddenly, it unfolded its claws and Wormtail dropped on Prongs' head with a loud squeak.

The bird flew down on one of Prongs' horn and yet again cawed triumphantly. After a few minutes, the room was filled with moonlight, and Harry could see Remus' demeanour change.

He sat silently as he saw Remus change into a hairy werewolf. The rest of the night went as smoothly as possible. They took a trip around the village as Remus had told him they would do after his transformation.

It has been a month since the Slytherins have come to know of Harry's parseltongue ability. Their bullies have become non-existent; their sneers have changed to one of awe. Lucius Malfoy was the son of a death-eater Abraxas Malfoy who was one of the highest in rank. The day he found out that Harry Potter was a parseltongue he owled his father like a perfectly obedient pureblood son. He has got the reply yesterday in which his father has asked him to gain the trust of the boy; an order which he was more than happy to oblige.

"Potter," Lucius called out. He was a bit nervous as he never had to gain anyone's friendship. Everyone was always more than willing to just do him favour any time he even signed. So this was a whole new sphere to him.

Harry was sitting at a corner of the common room. He was planning on a process to get out of Hogwarts so that he can buy an elf. He needed an elf to retrieve the locket from there. He just cannot do it alone. With so many things in his mind he never saw Lucius Malfoy approaching him. When he heard his name he was surprised to see who it was.

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