Malfoy Manor

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The Christmas vacation came too quickly for Harry. He was going to miss the Marauders thoroughly. He has also realized that it was wrong to treat Peter so harshly when he has not even done anything till now. Maybe he can change him to become someone more courageous. But right now he had to endure all the formalities and pretentiousness of the Malfoys. It irritated him to no end. But every time he had to forcefully remind himself of his mission so that he could calm himself down. Right now he was sitting in the train with Lucius Malfoy as he listened to him droning about his wealth, their position, and many more things he didn't even want to name.

"Hey, we have reached the station. Let's go." Lucius exclaimed loudly. He was very proud of himself for being able to complete the task given to him by his father.

"Yeah, let's," Harry said with a fake smile. He was becoming an expert in faking expressions. Perks of being in Slytherin and being the best friend of Lucius Malfoy, Harry thought bitterly.

Abraxas Malfoy was a proud man, being in a high post in ministry and the right hand of The Dark Lord has obviously made him vain. When he got his son's letter about a Potter being a parseltongue he had immediately informed his Lord. His Lord has asked him to somehow lure him to join His cause as he considered he can be a great ally to their group. So now he was standing at the King's Cross station to receive their guest for the vacation. After sometime he saw his son walking towards him with another boy by his side. He instantly understood this had to be the other boy that has now become his project.

"I'm Abraxas Nicholas Malfoy. It's a pleasure to meet you." Abraxas said when they came face to face.

"Harry James Potter. The pleasure is all mines, Lord Malfoy." Harry replied with a slight smile.

"Father, let's go to the manor. I'm sure Harry would prefer some rest after the long journey." Lucius said with his own proud smile.

"Yes son, I'm sure you're right." Abraxas replied stoically.

Harry took hold of Lucius' arm as they apparated away.

Remus, Sirius, James and Peter watched the whole scene play out in front of them. They were confused beyond belief after seeing everything.

"What the hell was that?" James asked incredulously.

"I'm positive that he dislikes Malfoy more than Peter. Why would he go with him to spend the vacations?" Sirius said with a horrified expression.

"Maybe he just wanted to spend his vacation away from the orphanage." Peter said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, that can be the only possible reason.'' James said still unable to digest the fact that a Potter will willingly associate with a Malfoy.

Remus remained silent. He doubted that it can be such a simple reason. He could distinctly remember him telling that his life was destroyed by Voldemort. It can never be the case that he didn't know The Malfoy's association with Voldemort with so much research he has done over him. He has to be up to something.

When Harry reached the Manor he couldn't help but be stunned by its beauty. The manor was a fine example of old wizarding architecture. The whole manor was surrounded by trees. As he entered he could see the large patch of gardens adorning various types of flowers of different colours. He was sure that every plant was expensive and few were even rare species. He could also see the hoops of Quidditch pitch far away. Harry could only imagine the area of the whole Malfoy estate.

"Welcome to the Malfoy Manor, Harry." Lucius said proudly.

"Thank you for inviting me over your Manor, Lord Malfoy. The Manor is really very beautiful." Harry said politely.

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