Saving Peter

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Harry landed on a particularly deserted alley of Hogsmead. He looked around before turning into his human form. Harry then tried hard to make up a picture of the Wool's Orphanage from the memory he had seen in Dumbledore's office. After a few seconds of trying, he finally could apparate to the place. After he was able to stand perfectly still, he called for Dobby.

"Yes, Harry Potter, Dobby is ready for the job." He said as it steadied itself from the apparition.

"Okay then, let's go to the cave then. I don't know the exact place. Can you take me there?" Harry asked.

"Yes, Dobby will take Harry Potter where he wishes to go." He said grabbing Harry's hand and popping out.

They stood in front of the large cave. According to Harry's information, he had to donate his blood to open the cave. So he took out his wand and cut his had a bit; rubbing the scar on the rocks nearby lightly.

Dobby gave a loud squeal. "Why did Harry Potter cut his hand; Dobby could have done that for Harry Potter." he said in his squeaky voice.

"No Dobby, I need your help. I need you to be fit and healthy. And you have got enough scars and bruises for a life anyway." Harry said putting a hand on the elf's shoulder.

The elf looked with same kind of expression as previous. "Come on, Dobby. We need to make it fast." Harry called as the entrance of the cave opened.

"Lumos," Harry muttered as they walked in the dark cave.

"I think we need to go to the other side of the cave to get what we need." Harry said eyeing the boat tied to the crystal like shore.

As they sailed to the other side of the cave, they noticed another crystal like place. Harry tied the boat to a protruded crystal and looked around him. As read, he found a sink like place filled with a clear liquid. He looked to Dobby.

"Now, Dobby, listen very carefully to what I say. I need you to help me drink the whole of the potion in this sink. Whatever happens to me, however hard I beg you to stop giving me the potion, but you'll not stop. You'll give me the potion until it's finished. After that you'll take the locket that will appear in the sink and apparate as soon as possible back to the Black Lake. Do you understand?" he said importantly pointing a finger at the elf.

"Yes, Dobby has understood everything Harry Potter has told him. He'll do everything correctly." He said nodding with his wide eyes.

"Okay, now give me the potion." Harry said as he sat on a flat crystal.

As soon as Dobby gave him the first sip of potion, he felt as if his body would dislocate every limb on its own. But he kept his mouth shut, and accepted the potion Dobby brought for him. By now, his head had started to spin with every bad and worst thoughts and memories of his life—Sirius dying in the Department of Ministries, the torture at the Dursley's and the betrayal of his only friends; Hermione and Ron. He felt as if an army of Dementors had encircled him and was sucking out all the happiness he had left in his life. But he didn't speak a word. He kept his mouth screwed shut and only opened it when he had to take the potion. After a few more sips, he couldn't take it anymore. The pain in his body had started throbbing and his limbs felt numb.

"Dobby, please stop." He breathed out; unable to take any more of the pain and the sadness.

"No, Harry Potter had asked me not to stop even if he himself tells me to stop." Dobby said shaking his head and spooning the potion into Harry's mouth a bit forcefully.

"Dobby—please—stop; no more." Harry started crying.

But Dobby didn't stop; he kept giving him the potion. But none the less, Dobby's own eyes were filling up with tears, as he saw Harry pouring over his knees and sobbing. But luckily after two more sips, the sink was empty and he could see the locket. Dobby took hold of the locket into his small hands.

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