Coming Together

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Severus was staring at him with narrowed eyes, as though trying to find a hint of lie or joke on his face; but there was only a genuine smile which confirmed him of Harry's honesty. He sat there for a moment trying to say something. But he couldn't find words. Not because of any amazement or something, but just because they didn't have much to discuss about. The silence was growing eerie.

"My life isn't too different from yours, you know?" Severus spoke up, finally giving in to his want to share his misery with someone other than Lily.

Harry looked up knowing exactly where it was going. "No, I wasn't—abused to that extent like you, Harry. But, I too was beaten up quite severely; by father. He's a—"Severus trailed off.

"I know, a Muggle." Harry completed his sentence.

Severus didn't bother to act surprised. He knew that it only made sense that Harry would know about his family— "Did you know about my abuse?" Severus said frowning.

Harry shook his head. "No, I didn't at first. But honestly, I figured it out—by your expression, when I talked about your family. You know, it's too familiar. It's only normal to be able to figure out." Harry admitted.

Severus smiled a bit. "You are a perfect Slytherin." He said shaking his head.

"Uh-oh, I'm the perfect balance of a Slytherin and a Gryffindor. The hat may oblige to you, but only if there's a chance; not entirely on your wish. Just for example, I never had been placed in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff; even if I asked for it." Harry said grinning at Severus.

Severus laughed too. "Wow, you are quite a famous abnormality and a toxic mixture, you know." Severus said.

Harry raised his eyebrows. "Do you really hold this formal tongue from the very birth? I mean, you never speak casually." Harry mused.

Severus shrugged grinning. "I don't know it comes to me naturally." He said.

Harry grinned too but remained quiet for a moment while thinking of a particular memory. "You know the students in the Gryffindor, secretly called you Poker Face. You never smiled nor did laugh or even shout in anger. You always held the same level of your voice, only the intensity changed." He said finally.

Severus pressed his lips together. "Maybe there were a lot of reasons not to smile or laugh. I can think of smiling now, and laughing a bit too. But after what you said happened, I don't know—I think it's normal that I stopped laughing." Severus said.

Harry clapped a hand on Severus' back. "Maybe I shouldn't say this, but I personally think that you are the best Lily could get." Harry said smiling softly.

Severus looked stunned at him. He could understand the depth of Harry's words. "I—I don't know—but—I sometimes feel that I was a coward not to fight back against James to save my dignity. I should have done something for myself other than hating him." he said.

Harry shook his head and outright laughed at the comment. "Severus, I don't know about you or this time, but in my time, you were the bravest man I have ever known." He said. "Protecting the son of the woman you loved the most and the man you hated the most from the Darkest Wizard who has ever walked on the planet and all the while spying for Dumbledore and risking your life, is not something I reckon to be a very easy job, Severus. And I don't think that a Gryffindor like Lily Evans would have chosen you over everybody if she thought that you were acting cowardly." He added.

Severus looked at Harry with warm eyes and smiled. "I think I made a good decision by telling you about my life. It proved to be much more useful for me than you." he said.

Harry grinned warmly. "Anything and anytime for my family," He said. Severus gave the biggest smile Harry could imagine one could muster.

Before Severus could say anything, there was a loud crash from the Dining hall. Harry immediately got up and ran towards the sound. Surprisingly, Severus sat there with a smug look. As he entered the Hall, he gasped. The room was a mess; the chandelier was lying on the floor beside which Sirius was lying on the floor.

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