Waking Up and Explanations

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The Marauders ran up the stairs, with group of aurors behind them. They have heard Voldemort shout the incantation of the Killing curse. With heavy breaths and wide eyes, they ran to the thin and small body lying on the floor. The aurors started duelling with the death eaters. As it was a meeting, only the inner circle was present there.

"Harry!" Sirius called shaking the boy in his arms.

"Harry, no, wake up!" Remus said his eyes were filling with tears.

"Guys, he was hit with the killing curse." Peter said sitting back down limply. "He seemed to have proved that he was really protecting us." He added with a hoarse tone.

Remus and Sirius were instantly reminded of Lucius' words. "...you'll regret your words one day..." he had said. It was true. They were really regretting their words right now. Tears flowed from their eyes in grief.

"Voldemort is dead." Somebody announced. They looked up to see the lifeless body of the monster in making.

The Marauders couldn't hold themselves anymore. They broke down sobbing like little babies. "Harry, wake up, please." Remus said hugging the body in his chest. He put his face in the crook of his neck as he sobbed his heart out. Suddenly, he felt a sudden movement on his cheek; like a pulse. He frowned and turned to Harry's neck. He put the body down and put two fingers on his throat. That was the moment when a smile appeared on his face. He could feel the faint throb of his pulse.

"What is it Moony?" James asked from beside him.

"Guys, he is still alive! I don't believe this—he's alive!" Remus said with a glee.

The rest of the group looked at him with their mouths hanging open. "What are you talking about, Remus?" Peter asked.

"I just said he's alive! Now shall we take him to the hospital? Or do you want to have a long chat with his body first?" Remus snapped and got up with the body in his arms. He went to the aurors straight with the shocked Marauders trailing behind him.

"Sir, Harry Potter is still alive. Can we take him to the hospital?" Remus asked one of the aurors in the most polite tone he could muster at that moment.

The auror looked surprised but quickly recovered. "Obviously you can take him. One of us will help you apparate to Hogwarts." He said and ordered one of the aurors to go with them. With his help The Marauders quickly took the limp body of Harry to Hogwarts.

As soon as The Marauders entered the castle, everybody's attention turned towards them and the limp body in their arm. They didn't even looked at them as they ran straight towards the hospital wing. As they entered the hospital, Madam Pomfrey came running towards them.

"What happened to him?" She asked as they proceeded to put him down on the nearest bed.

"He took a Killing Curse on him. I don't know how but he is alive. Please check him." Remus said in a rush.

The medi-witch's eyes widened and she quickly started waving her wand over Harry while muttering different incantations.

"He is definitely alive but has gone in a magical coma. His magical core has depleted greatly and is very unstable now. There were other minor injuries but I've healed them. Now we just have to wait. It's up to him when he wakes up." The medi-witch said gravely.

The Marauders just stared at Harry. They still couldn't believe completely that he is still alive after being hit by the Killing Curse.

"Please Harry, get well soon." Peter said with a teary smile. Just then the hospital door banged open. The Marauders looked up to see Lucius running towards them.

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