Transgression Stories

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"But Dumbledore had some other plans. He was losing his fame after his defeat of Grindelwald. So he wanted to gain that again. He wanted to raise his own army against Voldemort and use me as the final strike. When Voldemort promised Severus Lily's life he didn't believe him. So he went to Dumbledore and told him his plan to kill me and requested a Fidelius charm on our house. The secret keeper was first decided to be Sirius. But at the last moment, Dumbledore suggested it to be Peter. The rest of The Marauders didn't know of his change in loyalty but Dumbledore knew. He at that time was hungry for power and was obsessed with The Deathly Hallows. But one thing he didn't know was that, one can only be a master of death if he is from the Peverell line. So he took away the invisibility cloak of James after he came to knew of it." Harry paused. Everyone was looking at him with wide eyes.

"That's why you hate Dumbledore?" Remus asked quietly.

"No. There is much more to it. As planned by Dumbledore, Peter betrayed The Marauders and told Voldemort of our location. I was one year at that time." Harry closed his eyes. Tears were rolling down his eyes. "I always see the whole incident of that night whenever I face dementors." Harry said quietly.

"What happened?" Peter asked quietly. Harry looked up at him and smiled. Everyone stared at him dumbfounded.

"I don't hate you anymore Peter. I rather love you. You are family." Harry said smiling widely. Peter broke down crying. Harry got up from his bed slowly and sat beside Peter hugging him.

"Voldemort came to Godric's Hollow that night and killed Dad—James first. Lily already has run towards my crib. When Voldemort came there he ordered Lily to move away, she defied—three times. She was also killed. Due to my mother's love for me along with the promise Voldemort made to Severus it created a protection around me. So when Voldemort casted the Killing Curse at me it rebounded and destroyed him instead. That day I became The Boy Who Lived. That was the starting day of my misery as I was marked equal to him by this scar." Harry said pointing to the scar on his forehead. Everyone looked at the scar stunned.

"When Sirius came later he found the house in wreck and me crying in my crib. He instantly understood who betrayed. The change of the secret keeper was not even known by Remus. Sirius being the hot head he is ran after Peter. He wanted to put Peter in Azkaban. But Peter casted a blasting curse on the Muggle Street and killed twelve muggles. Then he cut one of his fingers and ran away in his animagus form. So that was an additional achievement to Dumbledore's plan when Sirius was sent to Azkaban for being a death eater, betrayal of his best friends and murder of twelve muggles and Peter. Peter went into hiding in his animagus form and became the pet rat Scabbers of the Weasley family." Harry again paused. This time all were shocked beyond belief. Sirius and Peter were both crying continuously.

"This was the reason I wanted to change Peter from the coward person he was to a more confident and courageous person, though it was after I came out from my initial hatred." Harry said quietly. Peter hugged Harry tightly.

"Thank you Harry. No one other than you would have done that after so many things." Peter said sobbing.

"You have a truly big heart Harry." Remus said quietly.

Harry smiled. "And then was the master stroke of Dumbledore's plan. I was sent to live with the Dursley's—Lily's muggle sister, Petunia Dursley, her husband Vernon Dursley and their son Dudley Dursley. That was where I lived for all these years and that's where I got my scars." Harry said quietly. He remembered all the tortures he went through.

Everyone stared at him in shock. Severus and Lucius have seen and heard everything in this one week. They couldn't believe someone can be so cruel.

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