6- Bout Time We Introduce Someone New

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As Harry leaves the field and walks to his car, he hears a name calling after him. He can't recognize the voice just yet, but he hopes it is Louis. For no reason in particular, he's just Harry's trainer anyways. Why would Harry care if it's him?

Harry turns around and is slightly disappointed to see familiar blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Harry! I haven't seen you in a minute, what are you doing here?" Niall says, hugging Harry.

Niall and Harry attend different schools. Niall attends the same one as Louis, hence the reason he's there now.

"Football training." Harry responds with a glum smile.

"Why do you look so upset to see me?" Niall laughs uneasily.

Harry's brain finally renders him to stop feeling so bad for himself that Louis didn't chase after him.

"Sorry Ni, I am happy to see you." Harry smiles, giving Niall another hug.

"What's got you down then buddy?" Niall asks, leaning against Harry's car as if it were his own.

"Nothing really. Just tired from training is all." Harry lies to Niall and himself.

"What you got training for anyways, mate? You're great at the game." Niall lies for his friend's sake.

"Nah, I'm pretty shit. Coach Howell has me working with Louis so I can get better." Harry explains.

"Holy smokes dude, you're working with the Louis Tomlinson? The harshest player and rudest person ever?" Niall asks, shocked.

"He's not rude. Just strict." Harry mumbles in defense.

Niall gives him a questioning look.

"Okay. Well I've gotta get going, my mom just pulled in. Nice seeing you curls." Niall tugs at Harry's curly locks before embracing him in a hug.

"Bye, Ni. See you next game?" Harry asks, knowing Niall always shows up to his games.

"Yeah, I'll be there."

Harry waves him off and steps into his own car. He turns on the radio, not having a preference in his choice of song. He rubs his own thighs without thinking, noticing his hands are much heavier and bigger than Louis' softer, smaller ones. He imagines Louis rubbing his thighs again as he drives down the road.

When he reaches his house he shares with his parents, he walks upstairs and takes a shower then lays in bed and thinks back on practice today. So much had happened in so little time. First Louis massaged his thighs, then got dominant and swatted his ass, then went back to being soft and nice when Harry outdid himself.

Harry couldn't wait for tomorrow. Although he did enjoy soft Louis, strict Louis who pulled his hair and slapped his bum did turn him on. He could only imagine what punishment he could give next. He hopes it's one where Louis is involved rather than Harry doing exercise alone.

He sleeps with the thought of strict Louis, then softer Louis who cuddles him and gives him massages.

The next morning, Harry wakes up and checks the clock to see it is 6:45, and he lives 15 minutes away from the school Louis is training him at. He screams and jumps out of bed, throwing his shorts from yesterday and keeping his old t shirt before rushing to his car.

Seeing as it is the middle of May, it was slightly cold so he throws on his jacket he keeps in his car and rushes off down the road.

He shows up at exactly 7, and runs to the field.

"7:01 Harold." Louis tsks.

"I'm so sorry, I woke up late." Harry spits out apologies.

Louis walks towards him, looking at his phone instead of paying attention to the frightened boy.

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