18- Breaks and Disagreements

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Practice continues as normal as it could, though held back from comfortable considering the circumstances. Harry stood guard at all times, and Louis' heart ached at the experience he caused.

Harry tried his best do to everything Louis said correctly, just in case his thoughts held true and he wasn't good enough for Louis. Every time Louis asked him to do something, he was right on it and did even more than he had to.

As Harry started pushups without being asked, Louis stops him.

"Harry, I didn't ask you to do that love." Louis says softly but sternly.

Harry shakes off his statement and continues.

"Harry." Louis tries again.

Harry stops for a moment and grunts out a "what?".

"Stop please, I didn't give you specific instruction to do pushups."

"Wanna do better though." Harry pouts at himself before continuing his unnecessary pushups.

"Harry." Louis seethes sharply. "Up. Now."

Harry drops his arms and stands faster than he thought he could do so. And he was right that he couldn't do so because he soon falls forward, landing not-so-softly on the ground.

"Ah, fuck." He gasps.

"Woah, you alright?" Louis asks, pulling on his arm to help him up.

"Fine." Harry snaps, pulling his arm away before standing more carefully.

Louis stands back at the gesture. "I was only trying to help you." He states.

"I didn't need help." Harry says, looking at the ground, finally sick of putting in his full effort to be good when his mood was far from outstretching secure limits.

"Whatever." Louis mumbles. "Let's start kicking 'round some cones. I'll get them, you stay here."

Harry decides not to disobey this order, but sits on the ground. He pouts and huffs at himself. After Louis left for a brief moment, he somehow felt like he was going back into little space. The last thing he wants is to have Louis there for a second time when he regresses, so without thinking, he stands up and walks across the field to retrieve his things.

Without looking back, he leaves the field and drives home. It wasn't to directly disobey Louis, or to get a rise out of him. Harry just needed a break.

On the ride home, his notification bell rang through the car multiple times, and even his ringtone indicated he missed 2 calls. He ignored them in favor of focusing on driving, and eventually his phone stopped. Whoever it was, although Harry had a good idea of who it was, must have given up on trying to contact him.

When he parks in his driveway, he immediately shoots Louis a text, and this time he doesn't stress 10 minutes on sending it. His thoughts were confirmed on who was blowing up his phone when he saw Louis name enlighten his phone screen on several notification slides.

[To Louis]:

I'm sorry I left, I just needed a break before I broke down again. Please understand.

He decides not to check every message from Louis until he enters the house because there was so many of them.

His plans were cancelled when he realized a familiar car in his driveway. The fancy red mustang of his father, and the dark grey Cadillac of his mother that had not been in place for a few weeks.

Harry was used to them leaving, but it was always a pleasant surprise when they came home. His mood was instantly brightened and he rushes out of the car to greet his parents.

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