13- Guilt and Bad Habits

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Harry debates on whether he should show up to practice or not. It was Saturday and Louis had not said anything after Harry left yesterday. He figures if Louis would want him to show up he would text him. He does stalkerishly have his number.

It was 5 in the morning, the time Harry wakes up to get ready for practice, and Louis still hadn't texted him. He struggles to decide if maybe he should text Louis to make sure.

Just as Harry's thumbs type out a text carefully, his phone beeps and he nearly drops it from the vibration it causes.

[From Louis]:

Don't show up today. I'm not going to be there.

Harry doesn't know whether to respond or not. He wants to apologize for making Louis feel this way, but at the same time he may just have a doctor's appointment or something. Maybe not showing up isn't Harry's fault.

It doesn't stop Harry from feeling guilty though.


"Back again? I knew it." Tyler says as Louis walks into the run down apartment that smells of nothing more than marijuana.

"Fuck off and get me some weed." Louis grumbles, falling onto the couch.

Tyler passes Louis an un-rolled joint and a bag of the green substance. Louis grumbles at having to roll one himself.

"I don't see where you get the money to always have this when you haven't got a job." Louis says, rolling his joint.

"My parents are rich asses and I've got that job downtown."

"Oh yeah. That under-the-table shit. Can't believe you've never been caught honestly." Louis takes a drag of his newly rolled joint.

"So why're you back? Thought you were done." Tyler mocks.

"Well I thought I was doing something right, but apparently I can't control how fucking harsh I get when something as small as him being 15 minutes late affects me so damn much." Louis rubs his temple with his one hand that isn't holding the doobie.

"What'd you do?"

"Snapped and told him to get the fuck off my field."

"Man, I don't see how you're so stuck up when you smoke weed. 'Sposed to calm you down you know?"

"Yeah yeah. Puts me in my right mind though. Football is the only thing I have complete control over mate, and it fucks with me when he doesn't take it seriously." Louis takes a deep inhale and releases it.

"But he's changing me somehow. It's been like 2 fucking weeks and somehow I've let him come this far. I need to apologize to him."

Tyler gives him a look as if to tell him to solve his own problems.

"I should text him." Louis pulls his phone from his pocket.

"Woah, Lou. Okay this guy seems like the sensitive type, so I don't think a simple sorry over text is going to truly make him believe you're not mad at him." Tyler sits up in his old recliner, sitting forward to help Louis.

"Then what the fuck do I do?" Louis lays back, and if the weed hadn't mellowed him he'd be throwing his hands up in exasperation.

"Stuffies and stickers." Tyler shrugs.

Louis rolls his eyes. "I was joking about that. I don't know if he's actually into that."

"So try it. What is he gonna do? Turn you down?"

"Yeah." Louis reassures himself, though thinking over at the rejection it could cause. "But how? We don't go to the same school or anything."

"Call in a practice. But, not today. Give it a little time."

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