14- Anger and Headspace

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He didn't fucking show up. Of course he didn't fucking show up. He didn't even respond to the message. That was a great fucking idea, wasn't it Tyler?

Louis paces the field and at 2:00 he decided Harry wasn't going to show up. He wanted to text Harry and ask where the hell he was, but decided that wouldn't help his case.

He had a pack of stickers and a new rainbow bear stuffie packed in his backpack, and now he feels stupid having to carry it back home. He at least got a work out today, but his mind was anything but clear. He understood he fucked up, but this bad?

He walks home upset, flying up the stairs of his parent's mansion, and laying on the bed, trying to figure a solution to the problem. Harry obviously needed a bigger apology than Louis could imagine.


Niall gasps as Louis storms over to him in the hallway. The boy had clearly been in a pissy mood all day and it was obviously due to the fact that Harry hadn't shown up. He had been slamming his lockers, pushing kids out of the way, and glaring at anyone who dared to test him.

It was back to Louis about a month ago. Before football season had started and he had a good team on his side. Especially before he met Harry.

"I need Harry's address." He states calmly.

Niall raises an eyebrow and gives him a dumbfounded look. "I can't just give over that information, what do you need it for?"

Louis groans loudly and glares at Niall. It makes Niall even more cautious about giving over Harry's address, in fear for the boy. Louis realizes the weary look Niall gives him, so he sighs and calms himself down.

"Look, I need your help, but don't expect anything from me. Harry's mad at me I think, and for some fucking reason I don't want him to be." Louis looks anywhere except at Niall.

Niall smiles, never knowing Harry could make such an impact. On the people with the hardest shell, the biggest wall built up, Harry finds a way in.

"Awe, look at you showing some compassion." Niall mocks teasingly.

"Fucking forget it I don't know why-"

"I was joking mate, I'll help you. On one condition."

"Fuckin hel- what?" Louis groans.

Niall looks at Louis seriously, dropping all hints of sarcasm or joking.

"If you ever hurt Harry in any way, shape, or form, I will personally chop every one of your fingers off so you can never masturbate again, do you understand?" Niall instructs.

Louis is taken back at how dominant and demanding Niall became in the matter of 2 seconds. It was a side he doesn't think anyone has ever seen before. Although a normal person would just say, "chop your dick off", he decides not to question it.

Louis nods his head, allowing this small bit of control to be taken from him for Harry's sake.

"Good." Niall smiles, cheery.

"Now what's your plan?"


Harry walks into school, upset at himself for his entire weekend: upsetting Louis, going to Nick, and not telling his best friend what was going on. He obviously felt better after what Niall had told him about being able to tell him anything, but also didn't feel right about seeing Nick at all after he found out about his previous actions.

Much to his dismay, the man himself walks up and slings an arm around Harry's shoulder, much like a friend would.

"Hey curly, I enjoyed our weekend." Nick says quietly with a smirk on his face.

"Please don't call me that." Harry says, brushing Nick's arm off his shoulder.

"I always call you that." Nick frowns.

"Well I don't like it anymore." Harry spits, suddenly upset at his friend.

Nick seems taken back at Harry's change in attitude. "Okay, sorry Harry."

"Okay." Harry huffs before walking away to his class.

He hardly understands the lesson due to the fact that he couldn't concentrate, too busy trying to find ways he could make things better with Louis. This only upsets him more than he was before, and he walks out of class right after the bell rings. He grabs his lunch and sits at his normal table with a few peers he made friends with.

His mood lightens slightly at the banter they offer, but only for a limited time because soon Nick is back, sitting right next to Harry, moving Harry's backpack to due so.

"Hey curl- Harry, I'm sorry for upsetting you earlier."

"It's fine." Harry sighs, setting his burger down.

Nick smiles. "Ya know, if you want, you could come back over tonight."

Harry looks at him, trying to decipher a lie that he didn't know was there or not. He finds no trace of joking in Nick's eyes.

"I've got a lot of homework to do." He lies, going back to his forgotten burger.

"Do it at mine, my parents won't be there." Nick smirks.

"They'll come back." Harry responds without looking at him.

"Not tonight they won't. Come on Haz." Nick slides a hand to Harry's thigh.

Harry drops his hamburger and grabs his backpack before standing up. "I've lost my appetite." He grumbles.

"No goodbye kiss again?" Nick yells after him.

"Fuck off Nicholas." Harry flips him off, going into his third hour way too early, and sits in the class alone until it starts.

School eventually ends, and Harry's mood had not changed. He heads home and thinks of ways he can improve his mood.

As soon as he reaches his room, he throws his bag across the room and tears his pants off. He can't calm down with pants on. He searches his closet for his favorite sweater and finds that it was clean, which makes him happier. And, only because looking good makes him feel good, he finds a pair of knee high socks.

He surrounds himself with stuffies on the floor, making sure they can all see the TV before turning on the original version of Teen Titans. He takes a big inhale before releasing it in content. He covers himself with a small fluffy blanket and slowly slips into a younger headspace.

Sometimes the only way to make himself de-stress is to fall into a headspace. It gets a little frustrating to do it without a proper caretaker, and not having anybody know about it, but times like this when his parents aren't home and he prepares well, it works.

He surrounds his thumb with his lips and laughs lightly at his show, feeling his mood lighten easily.


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