15- Apologies and Realizations

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Harry's headspace age progressed when he thought he heard someone outside, and knew he couldn't handle the situation while he was in a trance of a 5 year old. Turns out it was only two squirrels fighting on a tree near his window, but it still caused the ending of a rare good time.

Still, half an hour later after the incident, he has a family size bag of crisps in his lap, and Steven Universe on the TV. He had an excuse for the show, seeing as it had an adult intriguing plotline, but truthfully Harry loved the animation to it, little or not.

He jumps when the door to the outside knocks from the living room. Harry's parents weren't home, not that they ever were considering their jobs had them flying across the world almost all the time. He checks his window to the outside and sees Niall's mini van parked outside, near the bushes as if it were trying to hide.

Niall hadn't warned Harry he was coming over, but he doesn't always, so Harry, in his big sweater and boxers, walks carefully into the living room and opens the door.

"Wassup cunt muffin- Louis?" Harry covers his mouth at his term of endearment, meant to be for Niall.

"Well that's certainly a wonderful greeting." Louis half smiles.

Harry looks down and realizes he hasn't got any pants on. He hides behind the door and peeks his head to the other side to see Louis.

"Why-what- where's Niall?"

"Oh, well he let me borrow his mini van so you wouldn't know it was me." Louis beams. "Nice sweater sunshine."

Harry pouts. "Why are you here?"

"Well," Louis steps inside and Harry pulls his sweater down more, although only the ends of his boxers were showing. "I wanted to apologize."

Harry gives him a confused look and closes the front door, considering Louis was already inside.

"I shouldn't have told you to fuck off my field, I was just upset. And I shouldn't have been." Louis looks up from his hands to see Harry's reaction.

"I- no, Louis I shouldn't have showed up late. That was my fault for being a dumbass and thinking-"

Louis steps forward and grabs Harry's wrists. Harry flinches but allows the touch.

"You are not a dumbass, Harry. You're very smart. You remember how your coach said you were improving? Only in the matter of a few days. You're much too smart to call yourself a dumbass over a stupid mistake."

"Well, Nick says you kick people away for mistakes." Harry looks down at their now intertwined fingers. "And I'm obviously a big one. I haven't been able to do anything right since the day I showed up."

Louis frowns at the thought that he caused the boy such emotional distress. "No Harry. That is far from true." Louis says sternly. "You are wonderful, and I've been harsh but I'm a harsh person and it's not your fault, okay? I'm sorry for lashing out at you at the field."

"'S fine." Harry mumbles, stepping closer subconsciously.

Louis takes Harry's face in his hands, bringing it closer so he can truly apologize to the boy. "It's not fine, but I promise I won't let it happen again. Okay?"

Harry nods, closing his eyes. Louis leans closer, softly gripping Harry's face and placing a gentle kiss to his lips. Harry's eyelashes flutter open, in fear that he's dreaming again and Louis never showed up. He finds himself wrong as Louis carefully steps away, awaiting Harry's reaction.

Harry blushes, smiling softly. "Thank you."

"For what darling?" Louis smiles back. "Oh, wait! I forgot something."

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