7- Mixed Feelings and Disobeying

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Louis watches as Harry completes his exercises and thinks on what had just happened. Of course Louis had grabbed him in a sexual way at the beginning of training, but it was a joke. He didn't think Harry would take it as far as sex on the soccer field, if that was even his intention.

Louis didn't do relationships. No, he wasn't one of those douche bags who had multiple one stands in a week, he was just a guy who didn't date. He wasn't interested in anybody and everybody found him too mean to be attractive, though his stunning looks were hard to glance over.

Louis hadn't thought of having a relationship with Harry, not that he would think of it now either. Louis is just the kind of person who teases others for their weaknesses because he knows he is far from inferior. When he teased Harry about his hard on, he was making fun of him and patronizing it by adding the humiliation of Harry calling him daddy.

"Sir- er- Loui- da- uhm, I'm finished." Harry bows his head as he stands in front of Louis.

"Very well. Let's talk about training then, yes?" Louis walks past Harry, ignoring the submissive state Harry was offering.

"Yes." Harry replies, turning around and following Louis.

Louis takes the ball in his hand and holds it out as if it were a trophy. "When, in football, should you ever touch the ball with your hands?"

"When it's high enough to reach my face?" Harry questions.

"Jesus no. That's what your head is for." Louis shakes his own head.

Harry's eyes widen. "I'm supposed to hit the ball with my head?" He asks incredously.

Louis looks up at him as if he was literally being stupid. "You're not serious right now are you?"

Harry doesn't say anything back, just gives a blank stare. He flinched and reaches up to cover his face when Louis throws the ball toward his head. He pushes the ball away and it hits the ground.

"What the hell?" Harry asks.

"You don't ever touch the damn ball unless you're goalie, or the ball is out of bounds, and in most cases the referee takes care of that." Louis picks up the ball and quickly launches it back at Harry's head. Harry ducks before the ball touches him.

"This is never going to work if you're scared of the ball. Do we really need to have some time so you can get to know it?"

"Well you can't just throw a ball at me!" Harry yells, frustrated.

"I can and I will. Don't test me Styles because we can have a whole practice dedicated to you hitting the damn ball with your head until you have a migraine. Now go grab it."

Harry huffs but turns to retrieve the ball. He brings it back and throws it to Louis.

"From this point forward, you will not touch the ball with your hands at all. Am I understood?"

Harry nods with a huff and a pout.

"I can't hear you, what was that? You'd like more practice with-"

"I wont touch the ball with my hands." Harry interrupts.

"Good." Louis says before throwing the ball without warning.

Harry grasps his own hands so he won't touch the ball but flinched and screams when it comes towards his face. The ball collides with his face and he falls. When he opens his eyes Louis is looking down at him with an unimpressed facial expression.

"How's about I make you a deal..." Louis says, stepping back so Harry can stand instead of offering a hand for him to take. Harry rolls his eyes but stands nonetheless. "We can end practice early."

"Yes. Please." Harry begs.

"If you can successfully hit this ball with your head and aim it at least towards the goal."

"Okay. Yes. I can do that." Harry nods his head rapidly.

"You'd better be able to because my offer is still on the table." Louis grumbles.

Harry mocks his high pitched voice in his head. Without warning, his head is thrown to the side by impact of the ball.

"Fuck, man. Warn a guy first." Harry whines, rubbing his head.

"Do you really think in a proper football game the player is gonna warn your dumbass to pay attention to the ball? Pay attention or I'm extending practice."

Harry huffs and throws the ball at Louis. Louis catches it before it hits him and immediately throws it back towards Harry's head. On instinct, Harry defends himself with his hands again.

"Oh my- Harry!" Louis stresses.

"I'm sorry! Sorry sir. Didn't mean to." Harry pouts and gives Louis a pouty face.

"Follow me." Louis says, not acknowledging Harry as he walks toward the locker rooms. Harry follows quickly.

When he catches up, Louis is nowhere  to be seen but he hears rustling in the equipment room.

"Ehm-" Harry calls.

"Turn around, facing the outside door and put your hands behind your back." Louis calls back, still rustling in the room.

"But-" "Harry do what I say."

"'Harry do what I say'" Harry mocks out loud ad he turns around to face the door opposite the equipment room.

He didn't even notice the rustling ended until his head is being yanked back and a mouth is at his ear. "Mock me again and I'll make sure your legs are hurting for weeks." The voice threatens.

Harry gulps and winces at the pull on his hair. Louis is sure to have ripped a few out at this point.

"Answer me Harry." Louis pulls harder and Harry's knees buckle down slightly to reach the height at which Louis is pulling.

"Okay, okay. Sorry." Harry whimpers.

Louis grunts in approval before releasing his hair and petting at it slightly before he takes one of Harry's wrists in his own hand. Harry flinches at touch.

"Why are you flinching?" Louis asks.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because someone who just ripped my damn hair out is handling my wrists while I can't look." Harry scoffs.

"Excuse me?" Louis asks rhetorically.

Harry huffs but doesn't apologize. Louis comes around to face Harry and shows him what he's brought from the equipment room. Harry's eyes widen in fear and excitement.


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