10- Cheshire Practice and Good Games

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(Sort of filler/update chapter)

Harry returns to school the next day, better than ever and in a happy-go-lucky mood. Nothing could ruin his day. After the night before with Louis, he felt invincible. Like he could conquer any issue that happened to arise.

He completed his Oral Communications presentation, and after class explained to Ms. Woodridge why he hadn't had his flash drive the day before, and the teacher gave him full credit. She said,

"You truly did an amazing job. You seemed ecstatic about your project."

Harry blushed, knowing full well that he hadn't given two shits about his project and was just in a very good mood.

"Well someone is pretty happy." Nick swings an arm around Harry's neck as Harry walks down the hall, towards his locker.

"Is it that obvious?" Harry asks seriously, stopping to look at Nick. He couldn't contain the smile he held on his face. The smile that didn't seem to fade all day.

Nick rolls his eyes playfully. "You've got a very nice smile, curly." Nick comments.

Harry's smile drops immediately. Though he appreciated the comment, he didn't like anyone calling him curly except for Louis anymore.

"Thanks." Harry mumbles before shaking Nick's arm off his shoulder and walking to his locker.

When Nick didn't bother to catch to him, only stood there in confusion, Harry seemed to lighten up quicker. It was truly childish, the way Harry was acting, but he didn't seem to care. After knowing that he somehow cracked Louis Tomlinson enough for him to get a hug, nothing else seemed to matter.


"Woah, Louis Tomlinson. Is that a smile I see?" Niall jokes, running into the brunette in the hall.

Louis looks at him, internally shocked at himself.

Louis stops smiling, not allowing anyone to see a weak facade showing on his face. "Fuck off blondie." Louis says simply, walking away.

Louis was amazed at himself, and upset at the same time. He stopped showing any emotion besides anger in his freshmen year of high school. It's brought him to a spot of higher dominance, yet put him at a low social stance, which he didn't mind really.

He can't remember the last time he smiled at anyone besides his little sisters and brother. Who was he to go around smiling like an idiot over the fool, Harry Styles? What kind of special aura did the boy have anyways? And why did Louis hate it but love it at the same time?


Harry dresses in his normal practice clothes and heads onto the field. The coach gives an unamused expression at his presence, though he was curious to see if Louis had caused any progress to the boy's skills.

Practice starts with stretches and Harry completes them, willing to exceed expectations today. They move onto dribbling balls down the field, and though Harry wasn't better than his entire team, there was an obvious improvement on his part. He stumbled a few times, but it was his own clumsy legs that caused it.

When they did more practice exercises, the coach seemed impressed at what seemed to be a new player. He was average already, and maybe better than a few on the team, though they weren't very hard on effort.

Towards end of practice, teams were chosen for a practice game. For once, Harry wasn't last to be chosen, and it wasn't because he was a team captain. He wasn't first, but he at least wasn't last. Harry couldn't believe how well his day was going.

At the end of the game, Harry hadn't scored any goals. He did, however, have the ball kicked to him twice, and kicked it to another one of his own team members, who scored the goal.

"Styles, over here." The coach calls as everyone leaves practice.

"Yes, sir?" The name sounds familiar, yet distasteful as he speaks it to a man other than Louis.

"You did very good today. Keep this up and I won't need to find a replacement for you."

Harry smiles wide, dimples showing. "Thank you, coach Howell."

"Mhm." The coach dismisses, and Harry walks to his car.

He feels his face completely flushed, and his cheeks hurt from how much he smiled today. He opens his trunk and throws his gym bag in before shutting it. Suddenly, Harry is harshly pushed against the white paint of his trunk and he stands abruptly, ready to fight. With all the confidence he's gained, he feels he can do anything.

As he readies his fist, he is met with a dorky grin of a blonde Irishman. He lowers his fist and sighs in relief.

"Niall what the fu-"

"Guess what."

Harry furrows his eyebrows in confusion. How did Niall even get here?

"What?" Harry asks in all confusion.

"Okay, actually don't guess what because I have to tell you something." Niall grins goofily.


"What did you do to Tomlinson?" Niall interrupts, still grinning like an absolute bafoon.

Harry's face turns to one of worry. "What-? What do you mean, is he okay?"

"Dude, he smiled today. And instead of punching me for pointing it out, he just told me to fuck off."

"Niall, why are you at my school?"

Harry internally jumps up and down, but decides to contain his happiness for when he is home so he doesn't make a complete fool of himself. Though it wouldn't be a first with Niall.

"I had to tell you." He responds.

"You drove a half an hour to my school at half past 6 just to tell me Louis Tomlinson smiled, when you could've just called or texted me?"

"Actually, my mom drove. Which reminds me, I gotta go. Bye curls." Niall waves and runs towards his mom's mini van.

Harry was okay with Niall's nicknames. He meant no harm or meaning to the names. Niall was a incompetent idiot anyways, in Harry's opinion but he loved the fool to death. It was hard for anyone to keep up with the lad, which is why Niall had many friends, yet only a few close ones who actually knew anything about him. He was funny and outgoing, but kept his personal stuff to himself and close friends.

Harry shakes his head at the Irish man's idiocracy and starts his car, driving home. There was only 1 thought on his mind:

He was breaking Louis' walls down.


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