12- Emotions and Submission

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"I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me." Louis sighs, throwing himself on his friend's couch.

"So you like a guy? Big deal." Tyler responds, taking a drag of his joint hanging between his fingers.

"The big deal is I'm not good for him. I'm the bad boy who practically lives at his friends house and smokes. He's the innocent church boy who deserves stickers and stuffies." Louis takes the rolled joint from his friend's fingers and places it between his lips. He takes a long inhale as his friend speaks.

"So give that to him. You've got a good heart, Lou. I know you."

"I know I can, it's just I don't want him to turn into me." Louis passes the joint back to Tyler.

"And how do you know he will?"

"He asked for a drag of my cigarette, and I know for sure that he's never tried one."

"Man, you're still smoking cigs? Thought you said they don't give you a buzz anymore."

"They don't, but I couldn't exactly pull an illegal bag of weed out and roll a joint. Can you imagine if Harry caught me with that?" Louis rolls his eyes, standing up and dusting himself off.

"I've gotta stop all together if I want to be with him."

"It's not that easy. Doesn't just happen at the snap of your fingers." Tyler responds nonchalantly, blowing a smoke ring.

"And you think I don't know that? And how the fuck would you know anyways? God knows you haven't tried it." Louis scoffs, crossing his arms.

"I'm 22 years old, I don't need to try and stop." Tyler says defensively.

"Your age has nothing to do with it asswipe. Jesus, I'm leaving." Louis grabs his jacket and heads for the door.

"I'll see you again next week?" Tyler asks as the door begins to close.

'Hopefully not.' Louis promises himself as he slams the door.


"He's just so hot Ni. And like... He's strict but I like it." Harry blushes, though Niall can't see it over the phone.

"Harry you kinky hoe. I knew you'd be a sub."

"A what?" Harry asks innocently.

"Jesus, have you learned nothing from me over the years?"

"I try to tune you out most of the time."

"Well, listening to Grandfather Niall would've came in handy in this situation wouldn't it, young one?" Niall says seriously, but Harry finds it all but funny.

"Just tell me what a sub is you fucking dork." Harry laughs.

"Submissive Harry... like-"

"OHHHHHHHH, okay yeah I know what that is. I am not!! I'm like... the opposite of that."

"A dominant?" Niall scoffs. "Okay, sure. Do you ever see yourself in any lifetime ordering people around?"

"Yeah!" Harry lies to himself. "I could order my stuffi- my siblings around if I wanted to."

"You mean the sibling that is older than you?"

"Yes. Or Louis. Maybe he's the sub."

Niall chokes, and Harry gets worried when he hears hard breathing, like he was trying to catch his stolen breath.

"Niall are you okay?" Harry asks worriedly.

After a minute of silence, Harry nearly jumps off his bed from a loud screech and then loud, hearty laughs from the other end of the phone.

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