Chapter 4

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~Ice-cream is always worth the wait~

Since we live in Long Beach and Long Beach Creamery is just the best place to get organic ice-cream, Alexandra and I walk there most of the time. Just like right now.

As Alexandra & I walk down to the creamery we talk about what we're going to do this summer.
"Oh em gee! Boy, do I love summer... just look at how wonderful everything looks"
I say happily.

"Oh, we're going to get seriously tan and you love summer, this child!" Alexandra says.
I laugh at her statement.
"Well, we won't be completely tan but just that people won't know who we are in the dark. We could spook people out, what say?"

Alex and I both laugh as we enter the creamery, my favourite ice-cream parlor.

As we enter we come to a halt due to the really long queue in front of us.
"Damn it!" Alex screeches and I let out a little laugh at her impatience.
"I guess the wait is gonna be longer than I thought."
The parlour was a good size. It had a very modern and chic look to it. Wooden table's were set near the windows, making it look very cool and relaxing. All those table's were occupied by parents with children, high school kids and some couples.

"Well I can not stand in this queue so ima take a seat right about there" Alexandra says as she points to an empty white table with 2 chairs just outside the ice-cream parlor.
"Wow, pretty dont yah think? Ughh anyway what flavour do you want?" I ask rolling my eyes.
"Strawberry, cookie dough and bubblegum with a sugar cone will do," She says.
"Okay Alexandra."

I stand in the extra long queue and even though we're in an air conditioned parlor, it's pretty hot in here.

After about 30 minutes I'm finally up to order. I look up to the cashier who's really cute with bottle green eyes and im guessing his name is Stephen, judging from his name tag.

"Hi, Stephen, uhm can I have 1 strawberry, cookie dough and bubblegum flavoured  ice-cream with a sugar cone and one cookie and cream, lime and double chocolate flavoured ice-cream with a waffle cone topped with chocolate syrup,sprinkles and M&M's" I say in one breath.

The cashier looks a little shocked at my choice but still responds with that cute smile boy's always give.
"Coming right up! What's your name by the way?"
"It's Stephanie."
"Cute." He says
He turns around leaving me blushing a little.

And so I turn to see Alex typing furiously on her phone and listening to music via her headphones, I think she realised someone was looking at her, so she turned to face me and gave me a 'what happened' look. I glanced at the cashier and gave her a 'he's cute what yah think' look. She giggled and raised a playful eyebrow.
And when I look back the cashier he's coming towards me with the order.
He hands it to me and I thank him and he says,

"Please do come again Stephanie."
I feel a light pink hue appearing on my cheeks.
"Definitely Stephen."

As I turn around still thinking about that conversation I just had, I'm hit with a hard chest and I know that the beautiful, delicious, organic ice-cream is on floor and I'm going to be there too but I feel someone's arms snake around my waist and catch me.

Still in a bit of a daze I look up to see these gorgeous light brown eyes, furrowed eyebrows, a small smile which consists of baby pink lips, which looks familiar to me. But with my memory, how will I remember who.

 I'm guessing I've been staring for a long time now so he breaks the silence.
"Watch where you're going, I won't be there all time to catch you when you fall baby girl"
Oh My God! His smooth yet so stern. Now I'm sure I know him.
Alex Interrupts by calling me

That makes me jump a little still in his arms and he grips my waist a little tighter making sure that I don't fall. Once my la la land bubble has been burst I try to come out of his tightened grip. He understands that I'm uncomfortable so he let's go and then I speak up,

"U-uh Thanks?" my voice shakes a little and sounds more like a question as I take a step closer. I look around the parlor and notice that everyone's eyes are on us.

Before he could walk past me he gives me a smile which causes dragons to fly around in my tummy and makes my heart to do somersaults. Why the heck am I feeling like this!? OMG! He couldn't have had such an effect on me.
I start walking towards Alex to tell her about the little incident which just occurred.
His slightly curly hair,baby pink lips, light brown eyes and a little bit of an British accent reminds me of someone but I just can't remember.
I stop right in my tracks as I remember who he is.

Liam Freaking Payne!! Omg!!

From One Direction!

What did he mean by 'I won't be there to catch you everytime you fall......BABY GIRL!!!!'

OMG! Why did he call me baby girl?

Oh. My. God!

No, it's probably my mind playing games with me. What would Liam be doing here?

Naah, it definitely was not him. I assure myself it was not him and continue walking somehow still replaying the incident that happened a few moments ago.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I feel a hand grip my shoulder. I turn around and come to face with Stephen.

"Hi, what's up?"

"I saw what happened a while ago. Here you go. I don't think you wanna stand in that queue again." He says while handing me the ice-cream's.

"Oh, yeah. Just a sec." I say as I feel a blush creeping up on my cheeks
I reach in my purse to hand him the cash but he stops me.
"Stephen, please take it."

 "No, just think of it as you owe me one" He says which makes me realise that my face is red as a tomato.

"Okay then." I say with a smile while taking the ice-cream and walking out of the store.

"Bye, see you around." He says, flashing me that gorgeous smile of his.

* * * * * * * *
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