Chapter 8

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~Lies never helped anyone~

I wake up to the sound of my dad. I look around me and see a lot of people staring at me, which makes me feel uncomfortable. A little to my right I see Dad speaking to someone.

I look down at the hoodie I'm wearing and take in the divine cologne that's on it, suddenly I remember everything about last night. After Liam and I spoke about almost everything that goes on in our lives it was already three am so we decided to sleep. It took me approximately fifteen minutes to fall off to sleep in his arms. Meanwhile Liam was sound asleep. I spent those fifteen minutes thinking about the situation I was in. I mean, I could not have gotten any luckier than that; sleeping in the arms of Liam Payne, spending time actually talking to Liam Payne, being able to see the real Liam -the one who's much kinder in person than he is on camera- I could not believe it.

I scan the parlor and see no sign of Liam being around. He probably left with his bodyguard before this crowd could appear. I understand.

I get up from my position and make my way to Dad.
At the sound of my voice Dad turns to me and engulfs me in a hug,

"What happened to you? I thought someone had kidnapped you!"

I return the hug and shut my eyes as I picture everything that happened...smiling in the process.

I let go as soon as dad does. Now I'm all teary eyed,
"Heh, you think I'd allow someone to kidnap me?"

"Oh yes, they'd return you 'cause of all the yapping that you do."

I slap his arm and then hug him.
"I'm sorry Dad"
That moment doesn't last long since we're interrupted by Troy,

"Stephanie! bad."


I give Troy a hug while whispering into his ear,
"I have so much to tell you."
When we let go I see the furrowed eyebrows and confused look on his face.

"Now can we go home? 'Cause I could really use some breakfast."

Wow! I changed the topic quiet fast.

"But didn't you have enough of your favourite cheat treat? Cause that's a lot if you ask me" Troy asks while looking over my shoulder which makes me turn around to look at whatever it is he's looking at.

 I turn around only to find the empty ice-cream container's. Oh my god! Did Liam and I actually finish whatever ice-cream there was left.

At that thought, a genuine smile creeps across my face. Snapped out of my thoughts, I face Troy and my dad.

"Uh, well you know me. I love ice-cream." I say, letting out an awkward laugh.

"Anyway, let's go?" I ask, changing the topic once again. Dad bobs his head in response and we exit the ice-cream parlor as though I didn't just have a sleepover at the parlor. I keep my head down until we've exited and when I look up Dad is a little further away from us so I decide to ask Troy, who happens to be walking beside me, about Alexandra.


"Did you speak to Alexandra?"

"Uhh...she-she said she'll meet us at home."

Not believing the answer, I respond with a nod. I wonder if Liam will remember me.

* * * * *

"Steph! Stephanie! Stephanie, wake up!" I hear Troy's voice but I ignore it. He does know about the five things which are dear to me; food, One Direction, Formula One racing, my laptop and sleep.

"Whaat?! Can't a girl get some sleep? Troy, get away!"

"Fine then, have it your way. Enjoy the car nap. I'll be more than happy to eat your share of pancakes."

Car? Pancakes? Dammit! I'm sleeping in the car.

"Wait wait wait! Troy!" I bolt out of the car, nearly tripping. Regaining my posture, I look up and see Troy laughing like there's no tomorrow. His head is a little back and his hands are clutching his stomach. I mean seriously,this guy.

"You-ha! You should see-whuuu,you should see your face!" Troy's says as he tries to catch his breath.

Ignoring his presence and comment, I walk past him and enter the house. I head upstairs, into my room and straight into the bathroom. I turn on the water in the shower and then strip off my clothes.

I enter the shower and immediately as the water hits my body, I feel the tension from my shoulders being released.

* * * * *

It's been 20 minutes since I came out of my room and right now Dad, Mum, Troy, Tia and I are sitting at the dining table. All that you can hear are forks and knives clinking and orange juice and coffee being slurped. Breaking the comfortable silence, Dad begins to question me about last night which makes me look up from my plate to him. As I look at everyone sitting at the table, all eye's are on me.
"So what exactly happened last night? 'Cause I'm not going to just pretend like nothing did." 

Swallowing hard, I begin saying,

"Uh, well I had to use the washroom because I spilled some ice-cream onto my tank top. During that time the sprinklers suddenly went off which made me wonder why. When I exited the washroom I found all the lights were off and...uh...the door was locked. I tried to, you know force it open but nothing happened."

I take in a deep breath as I decide on my next words.

"I started to hyperventilate but after that I decided to calm down and wait for somebody to come get me. But I guess, everyone thought I went to visit spongebob," I say, rolling my eyes to add to the sarcasm a little more. "causing me to spend the night in an ice-cream parlor."

With that said Troy and Tia let out little laughs but covers it up with a few coughs.

"Are you okay? You did spend the night at an ice-cream parlor" dad speaks up.

"Uh, yeah. I'm good but I wanna know what caused the sprinklers to off."

"Someone tampered with the fire alarm causing all of the lights and sprinklers to go off."

"Oh, okay."
Dad bobs his head in recognition of my response and everyone continues to eat as we fall into a somewhat  comfortable silence.

Troy had said that Alex was going to come over but she hasn't turned up. Picking my head up to face Troy, Tia Interrupts my thoughts by asking me to pass the maple syrup.

"Stephanie, could you pass me the maple syrup, please?"

"Sure." I respond as I pass the maple syrup to her.
My mind travels back to Alexandra, Knowing that I spent the night in a ice-cream parlor, she would've called. Maybe she's busy.

"Uh, Troy?"

"Yeah?" Troy responds.

"Didn't you say that Alex was coming over?" His face tenses as soon as the last word leaves my mouth.

"Uh, yeah I did. She told me...uh she'll come over once she's done helping her mom with some stuff."

"Okay. I need my phone, Alex has it." I say whilst looking down at my hoodie, as a smile creeps onto my lips. Liam. He said I could call him whenever I wanted to. 

Oh my god!

Where is the piece of paper which had Liam's number on it!?

Oh no!
* * * * * * * *
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