Chapter 21

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~The Earth has music for those who listen~

I woke up around eight thirty a.m, about two hours ago. I am almost done packing my backpack with some clothes, a pastel green towel, a hairbrush and some other stuff because today Drew and I are supposed to be going on the hike up to the waterfall. He didn't tell me where it is but he did tell me we'll leave at eleven a.m. I got dressed in a Nike sports bra and matching tights, jacket and Nike sneakers. I pulled my hair up in a ponytail and straightened out my bangs.

I took two painkillers and gulped down some water, grabbed my phone and slung my backpack over my left shoulder. I walked into the kitchen and got a granola bar from the draw and a bottle of water from the fridge. Deciding I should let my family know where I'm going to be instead of them walking into my room some time from now and not seeing me there, causing my mom and dad, both to have heart attacks, I write a little something on a yellow post-it note and stick it on the fridge. Someone will definitely notice it because someone is always going to the fridge for something. The note goes like this:

Gone out with Drew.

Be back later.


I exit through the back door and walk up to Drew's patio door at the back of the house. I knock hesitantly and then glance at my phone 10:57. Drew opens the door and stands there in all his glory. Grey Nike sweatpants, sports vest and sneakers. I guess we both like Nike and grey.

After all, great minds do think alike.

"Hey," I smile at him.

He greets meh with one of his bear hugs. I hug him back and we walk into the house.

"How are you?" He asks.

"I'm good. How about you?"

"I'm great. I can't wait for the hike to begin though." He says, rummaging through his backpack for God knows what.

"Neither can I. It's been such a long time since I've been on a hike."

"Well, you're going to enjoy it," he says while smiling at me and finally he has found what he has been in search of: Bluetooth earphones. He places them on the kitchen counter and zips his bag up.

"Aren't you taking those?" I ask pointing to the earphones.

"Nope. Why will I need to listen to music via my earphones today when I've got you?" He states.

I chuckle and scrunch up my nose,
"Cheesy much?"

He laughs and we head outside to where his orange Jeep is parked. Jesus Christ, this thang is beautiful, I think to myself. He hops into the driver's seat and I hop into the passenger's. I toss my backpack onto the backseat while Drew starts up the engine and turns the stereo on.

* * * * * *

We've been driving for forty five minutes and now are on a dirt road. During the forty five minutes, Drew and I sang along to whatever song was playing and then Drew cracked a few jokes along the way. We even had a competition about who could eat the most sour worms. And let me tell you, whenever he put a sour worm into his mouth, his facial expressions were priceless. It was like a baby's when they tasted something sour or bitter. Unfortunately I did not get a picture of that. However, I did win the competition. I ate thirty three while Drew ate twenty one. Right now though, we're singing along to Hailey Steinfield's Most Girls. It's quite shocking to see a guy sing along to Most Girls. But it's Drew, it's nothing unusual.

I did untie my hair because the feeling of the wind running through your hair is one of the best feelings a girl could experience. And I definitely was not going let go of the opportunity.

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