Chapter 24

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Liam's POV

As I stepped off the plane, the cold air hit me in the face as memories flooded my head and only one person crossed my mind; Stephanie. If she were here, things would be so different. I wouldn't be stressed all the time and I would actually have someone who I can talk to about my problems. Sure, my parents are always checking up on me and the people I work with are basically family but still, the issues about my breakup with Cheryl and leaving my beautiful baby Bear behind will most probably never leave. We never intended to have a baby, it just sort of happened. I admit, when I was on the X Factor with the lads, I had this hopeless teenage crush on Cheryl but I didn't think I'll get anything good out of it. My other stupid relationships were always going downhill but when I met Steph that day, it felt like everything was beginning to calm down and my storm was finally over. But when she left and never came back, I was broken and Cheryl was the 'fix', if you get what I'm trying to say. It all happened so fast, I was still in love with Stephanie yet my teenage dream of having a relationship with Cheryl was coming true. I was very skeptical about it but thought it was what I needed at the time. When Cheryl found out she was pregnant a whole swamp of emotions took over me. I was happy, but sad; anxious but calm; angry but joyed. I was happy to be a dad, but I never thought she'd be the mom. Ever since I met Stephanie, I wanted her to be the mother of my children. As cliché and crazy as it may sound it's true. I knew her for a short period of time but I knew she was the one who took my breath away the minute we clashed and our eyes met. She's been a ray of sunshine in my darkest hours. She's still the one I'm always looking for wherever I go. However now, she doesn't remember anything-which isn't her fault. I haven't heard from her since that day in the creamery. I have been looking at her socials, just to see what's she's been up to. But she posts very rarely. And when she does post anything it's about the band or even me. Just seeing that makes my heart swell.

I walk into the airport and the paparazzi are already snapping numerous pictures of me. I stop and greet a few fans, even taking pictures with them. This is what I love about what I do. Seeing my fans and how much they love my music and myself, makes me want to make them prouder than they already are. As if someone's near me I turn around and take a gaze; nope. No one that I know. But a knowing feeling engulfs me. I carry on talking to fans until my bodyguard taps my shoulders telling me we have to go.

The reason why I came to New York was to shoot for my new single's video; Polaroid. It's the song I made especially for Stephanie. It reminds me of what we are going through. How we met and much more. It reminds of her. Jonas Blue and Lennon Stella are here already. I have to meet them at the hotel. My bodyguard and I get into the SUV and we head to the hotel.

* * * * *

Michael's POV (Stephanie's dad)

In the middle of the night I heard some shuffling, but didn't check on what it was. I thought it was most probably Stephanie and Tia eating their midnight snacks. But when I woke up a few minutes ago and saw a note on the floor, I gasped. Stephanie is gone. She has run away. I quickly wake her mom and sister up, showing them the note.

"Oh my god, what now? We can't do anything." Tia says.

I read the note again and again trying to figure out a solution to this. Her mom is already crying as if Stephanie has died. In a way, she did. Three years ago.

Anyway, it says in the note, she isn't alone. Oh boy, there's only one person who can join in on her craziness; Troy.

I quickly dial Troy's number. He picks up after the third ring.

"Where are you?" I ask, a fit of rage coming over me.

"At home. What's wrong Dad? Is everything okay? Stephanie? Is she fine?" I always took this boy as my son. He wouldn't lie to me.

"She has gone to New York to find herself apparently. I can't believe she did something as stupid as this. Have you spoken to her?" I ask, as I roll my eyes at my former statement. Troy curses and I hear shuffling on the other end of the phone.

"No I haven't spoken to her since the day she overheard you guys speaking about her and Liam. She didn't answer any of my calls after that day. I'm on my way to the airport to try and find her. I'm sure I'll be able to stop her." He says and I hear a door slam and a car engine start up.

"No! No Troy. You can't do anything now. She's gone. She left at around five a.m. We can't do anything now." I sit on the sofa, sighing in defeat and anger. "But whoever she is with is what I'm concerned about. I know she can take care of herself. But who is she with?"

"I'll try and find out, don't worry dad." Troy says and cuts the call, sniffling. Who could've possibly helped her with something this foolish?

Troy's POV

Stephanie was always smarter than I was. Well, except in math because she hated math and we both used to suffer together in high school when it came to math.

However, she would never do something this stupid. Okay, she could, if she had no choice but to. Which I think is what we gave her; no choice. She still doesn't know some stuff, since she was in a coma for like eleven months. But right now all we need to do is find out the person she is with.

I call up Alexandra and ask her if she had been hanging out with Stephanie this week and her answer is a short no.

Considering everyone we went to school with knew Stephanie and I so well, I start calling up almost everyone from our year to find out if they've seen her or not. And knowing Stephanie and how she loves to binge watch during the holidays, she most probably never left the house until today.

However when I call up Sarah, a girl from our English class, I find out something rather weird. Stephanie had been hanging out with Drew. The same Drew who she barely knows.

Speedily I race to Stephanie's house and park in their driveway. Not even a second later their front door is swung open to reveal a distraught looking dad. I run over to Drew's house and ring the doorbell three times before it is answered by Drew's father.

"Hello, how can I help you?" Drew's dad's voice is gruff and stern.

"Good morning sir, I'm Troy, Drew's friend. I was wondering if Drew is up. I needed to speak to him about some college stuff." I lie.

"Oh, you don't know?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Drew left to New York this morning. A few hours ago actually," he states and I feel my heart drop.

Oh. No.

* * * * * *

I bet y'all weren't expecting three POV's in one chapter😉.




Love you guys,

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