Chapter 10

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~If you decide to start over thinking, make sure it leads you to Starbucks~

Dad dropped me off at my therapist's office about five minutes ago. It's now twenty to two and I'm at the reception area, across from the receptionist, waiting to go in and speak to Mrs Richards.

"Miss Stephanie Blue? You may go in now." Marie, the receptionist says as she points to the door leading to Mrs Richards.

I nod and thank her,
"Thank you."
She sends me a small soft smile.

"Stephanie! How are you?" Mrs Richards asks as I enter her office. I walk towards her and shake her hand, which is extended to me,

"I'm good, thanks. And yourself?"

"I am just fine. So let's get started?" She asks.


"So tell me what you've been feeling; emotionally and physically?"

"It's..." I let out a sigh before continuing,
"I met someone."


It's now twenty five to three and in the past hour or so, I told Mrs Richards everything about my sleepover at the ice-cream parlour with Liam Payne.

"Stephanie, have you smelt a familiar scent, or seen a familiar picture which refreshed your memory?" She asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, when-when i was with Liam but do you think I will remember something if I do?"

"Yes, it would trigger old memories," She says.
"Also if you do remember something, record it; either in a journal or a voice recording. Don't forget to do that."

"Thanks Mrs Richards" I say getting up from the comfy couch and shake her hand.

"My pleasure honey," She says.

I walk out of her office and the fresh air engulfs my nostrils. I take a deep breath in and slowly exhale.

I begin walking on the side walk whilst thinking about everything going on in my life right now.

Something made me meet Liam, my m.c.m. It's as if he knew me. I, maybe over thinking things right now but there's something he did not tell me. As for Troy, he's hiding something for sure. I know my parent's too well to know that they're lying about my past. Mrs Richards said that maybe something will trigger my memory and I might -just might- be able to remember something. Alexandra... I don't really know what's up with her, cause she didn't speak to me since I got locked in the ice-cream parlor. Troy said she was going to come over, but didn't.

Oh my god! Troy said that Alex and himself were going to pick me up from Mrs Richards office once I'm ready cause we'll be going to the movie's afterwards... but I forgot! Looking around me, I find myself inside Starbucks. Why and how did I get here?

I was so deep in my thoughts, I walked all the way here. Taking out my phone from my back legging pocket, I search for Troy's number and when I find it, I start typing a short message.

S: Hi Troy, if you don't mind could you please fetch me from Starbucks. I kinda walked all the way here.

Pressing send, I decide to order a tall latte, caramel topped. A few minutes later, my phone buzzes and I read the message.

T: hey! I'll be there in a few. Why did you walk there though?

S: Thanks. I'll explain later.

Taking a sip from my latte, I log into my Twitter account, but there's nothing interesting so exit I the app and slide the phone into my pocket.

It's not too busy at this hour as I look around and see a few couples here and there, a group of friends laughing and a family of two children and their parents.

I take another sip of my drink and hear a tap on the table. I look up and see my best friend, Troy, smiling.

"C'mon." He says.

"Y'all don't want anything?" I say pointing towards the cashier.

"Naah, we're good. Alex is in the car."

"Okay, no wonder the weather is the way it is today," I say letting out a little laugh.

"Yes, I know that I shouldn't deny Starbucks but what can you do when you're not in the mood."

"Oh whatever" I playfully roll my eyes. 
Stepping out of Starbucks, I spot Troy's Audi A8 and walk towards it.

"Why did you leave and walk here? You could've called, ya know?" Troy asks when we're few steps away from the car.

"Well, I had a lot on my mind. While thinking about everything I didn't realise I was at Starbucks already," I say as I look towards Troy.

"If you wanna talk about anything, I'm always here remember."

"Thanks Troy."

I enter the car and Alexandra engulfs me in a bear hug.

"How are you? Are you okay? I'm sorry I couldn't see you earlier, I had some stuff to do. You know what happens if I don't do something my mom has told me to do."

"Ale-Alex, you're-you're choking me." Finally she let's go of me and I place my hand over my throat.

"It's fine, Alexandra. I understand." winning a small smile from her.

"Are y'all done being all girly?" Troy asks from the driver's seat.

"Whatever Troy!!" Alexandra and I say in unison and begin laughing.

I missed this. The three of us going to the movie's, hanging out together. It's been a hectic few day's anyway.

* * * * * *

I thought I should update again just because I updated yesterday after a very very long time.

Please comment! I'd really love to know my readers!



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